

Nov 19, 2001
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Its about time to hear everyone's football picks for the year. Personally I am expecting my beloved Bungles to accidentally slip into the playoffs.
meh, the only thing football does is get me through the baseball off-season. Hopefuuly the Texans can win a bunch this year.
I'm looking forward to my Dolphins playing the worst season in their entire history.

I haven't been paying attention to the pre-season or draft (like usual), I don't often make my predicitions until about the 3rd or 4th week.
All signs point to the Bengals finally making the playoffs... but I have this bad feeling they're just gonna be a huge disappointment this year... just a hunch.

I did think the Steelers were gonna suck this year... but after watching their sharp performances in the preseason... they just might come back from last year's debacle.
That Roethlisberger that the steelers drafted is the real deal, he played at Miami, a college that is just 25 miles from Cincy. He is damn good, and has a hell of a arm.
I've been a fan of the Giants ever since I was about 7 years old but have to be partial for the hometeam...PATRIOTS. Hopefully Corey Dillon can make an impact despite the years catching up to him. Woop WOOP...I am so excited for the football s4eason as usual. First Pats game is Thursday. Obviously, I am going out to celebrate it. :kickass:
I still can't believe our local team is in Division 1 (though it appears the leagues have been reorganised and renamed? :s). I remember when we went up to Division 2 for one season then got relegated straight away, an away fan got stabbed after the deciding match. Dumb swills.
It's really time to face facts and let that tuck incident go. My bias has absolutely NOTHING to do with the fact that I hate the Raiders and me mum's favorite team is the Patriots, I assure you. :loco:

What's up with the Argentinians and their gay little hop dance? Just watched the footsoc team AND basketball team do that for about 20 minutes straight.
Argentina = gayest fuckers in the world.

Diego Maradona can take his "hand of god" and shove it up his mudchute. And yes, I'm still bitter about the 1986 world cup. :heh:
NAD said:
It's really time to face facts and let that tuck incident go. My bias has absolutely NOTHING to do with the fact that I hate the Raiders and me mum's favorite team is the Patriots, I assure you. :loco:

The reason I don't let go the tuck incident go is not entirely because the Raiders lost, but more because the tuck rule is the DUMBEST FUCKING THING EVER! It just irks me that quarterbacks can get away with fumbling as long as their arm starts to move forward or they tuck the ball back in. Why is it ruled a fumble when a snap is dropped or a hand off fails to connect? If they're going to blow the whistle when a quarterback begins a forward pass attempt and loses the football, then they might as well blow the whistle when a quarterback misses a hand off too.

Just some things that I feel are a little gay about the rules and I hate for a call to decide any game, especially a playoff game. Fact is he fumbled the damn ball, but maybe I'm just bitter. :tickled: