For Mr.v:cia Hedmark


Feb 16, 2003
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Hi,i have a question that i want made from a long time:i love the vocal of CIA HEDMARK on the first tree albums of VINTERSORG..i think FANGAD UTAV NORDENS SJAL,ISJUNGFRUN,STILLA,SVALTVINTER,MANSKENSMAN are amazing also for her magic contribute...FANGAD UTAV NORDENS SJAL is something between heaven and hell...why you don't have call her in the lasts albums?In the future we cant hear again the magic vocals of CIA on VINTERSORG'S albums?
Hi,i have a question that i want made from a long time:i love the vocal of CIA HEDMARK on the first tree albums of VINTERSORG..i think FANGAD UTAV NORDENS SJAL,ISJUNGFRUN,STILLA,SVALTVINTER,MANSKENSMAN are amazing also for her magic contribute...FANGAD UTAV NORDENS SJAL is something between heaven and hell...why you don't have call her in the lasts albums?In the future we cant hear again the magic vocals of CIA on VINTERSORG'S albums?
When I wanted to mix male/female it was kind of a new thing in the metal field. No, it's everywhere. But that of course aren't the major reasons, as as long you feel yourself that you're doing something fresh to yourself you do it. On the later albums we feel that it didn't fit actually, so it's that simple.

In the future maybe some female vocals will appear, we don't know that right now, it's about if we think it fits. And all this is of course not a question of male vs female dominance, we really have an pro-women view upon life in general. I would say we're a frontier for equal balance between the sexes.

mr V
on the album after the next album:grin:
I second that female vocals will be brought back; in just one or two songs as in the past. Cia would be cool; wonderful voice she has...

I also second some swedish songs, 2-3 should do the trick
Sorath said:
Fredrik Mannberg of Nocturnal Rites=Reaper of Bewitched if I'm not mistaken...
He's funny while drunk. And he likes to show of his pierced penis.

Just ONE band-example is enough, I think (from the MAIN band or sth.)... otherwise you would for instance "NEVER" get ready if you start mentioning, of which bands f.i. Vargher is/was a member of... :grin:

... Whaaaaat does he like to show!?!?! His pierced "...." !?!! :guh:
... post a picture!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: (... just kidding...)
nice avatar!

Empyrean Sky -- Temptations -- Vitalize
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"I *love* Chicago! It's just like New York, except that it's bright and clean, and people there try to be helpful."
-Rebecca Santoro