For the 3rd world assfaces who call themselves JUGULATOR and his girlfriend WITCHKING


New Metal Member
Aug 31, 2001
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WITCHKING****saddam is not a threat to me you know why... 'cos I don't give him motives to be a threat to me...

LED***You dont have to give Saddam a reason...did kuwait give him a reason? How much time and money do you expect the UN to give that son of a bitch?

JUGS***Damn, I can't argue with such a brilliant mind as TheSinMakesYouReal!!!
Well, yeah, he is right. Let's attack someone who I think is a threat before they think about attacking us.
You lack brain

LED***FUck dude. think on your own. Use your brain. He is a threat. WHat has he done to cooperate with what the world wants? Is saddam doing what the world wants? No he isnt. Is he going to? No he isnt.

JUGS***the USA has much more weapons of mass destruction than all the other coutries togheter.
You are an ignorant

LED***Are you? Other countries have them as well. The usa aint the only bottom feeder with weapons. Your country would haev them as well, but lucky enough for the rest of us...your 3rd world.

WITCHKING***and the US with more than 10000 nuclear nukes and a stupid president is a threat bigger than Saddam...

LED***yeah, only cause saddam started a little tlate. Just think, if he has time how many nukes, or as you call them hahaha nuclear nuks hahaha would he have? Oh yeah, and the USA dont keep their NUKES a seceret.

WITCHKING***you are really stupid..
I doubt that all the other countries together have more than 10000 nuclear nukes... I really doubt it...

LED***Uh, i would say russia has lost more nukes than that hahaha. SHit dude, have you forgotten about teh COLD WAR? Lots of stuff left over.

Jugs****Anyway, the USA sold weapons to Afeganistan when Russia was fighting Afeganistan. Then they sold weapons to Iraq on the war against Iran. Those bastards think they can manipulate the world.
No way dude, everybody is upset with all this shit.
Take care

LED**your just pissed cause its gonna slow your drug cartell down you little dip face. DOnt you remember you guys getting the heroin from AFGAN via CIA in the 80's? Yeah, we fucked your plan up, .

WITCHKING***I wrote tah way 'cos I thought you were stupid to undersand it... maybe you are a little smarter than I thought.. but you are not smart enough

LED**no you wrote that way cause your education is 3rd world. You cant help it.

WITCHKING***America is not a country.. it's a continent

LED***USA....whats the fucking '''A''' stand for retard? Speak on things in which you know at least a smigen of info about...OK?

JUGS***Damn, this guy is so inteligent that he thinks america is the country which he lives in. ahahahahaha
dumb ass!!!!!! america is a continent that goes from the south of argentina until the end of canada.
Oh i'm tired of arguing with a door.
Bye, have a good night

LED***look above at what i said to your girl friend. Then eat shit.


all the quotes from the two 3rd world cock suckers came from the studio update thread from WD.

To the 2 3rd world have ONE message for you from ME in the WD thread.
hey aguy... YEah, its sickening whats going on in the world today,...then you have pole munchers coming along a seemingly GEUSSING and making things up to fit their ideas. They call names over opinions, and just expect the ppl they are targeting to eat it and like it...are they just a little like teh BUSH they are complaining about? I think so.
Sounds like the whole geography angle is a cover. Don't want to look like they're losing the argument eh? Hey.
BIGN>>>Thast cool dude. Very much ok IMO. At least you were a real dude...and didnt call me a name..etc.

SOUTHAMERICA BRAZIL is the place these 2 jokers hail from.

AGUY>>>Yes, they try, any means possible it seems. They arent supporting any opinion other than the ppl of USA suck.
the top 3 dudes you know who they are in batte....killing inthe fucken idots don't control the fucken oil, and sell shit to rogue fuckers who want to fuck the peace of everyone, tell the brazils to run, casue when this shit is finished like teh ROMAN soldiers, they will be onthe marrch to clean every fucken country up...


the UN is died....

the new empire begins...

u are with us OR AGAINST us...
I Just Learned That Iraq's Missles Don't Have The Ability To Hit Any Thing West Of Mississipi River And That The Only City That They Will Actualy Bomb Is Dc Cuz They Wanna Kill Bush Jr Cuz They Are Still Pissed At Something That Bush Sr Did 12 Years Ago
and now the French, who were so worried about us attacking iraq, now find there are algerian terrorists in france with ricin poison....
yes, its all around you...

THE SPANISH police only found out about things when the british dudes, caught some evil dudez, and the squaled liek pigs..

shamne we have people like that..

i destroyed the castor plnats, but they were planted on purpose.
Damn, u fucking idiot!
You agre with this shitty war? Fuck u!
I don't. You have no point to argue with me. That's why u posted this thread. You fucking nazi.
Jugulator said:
Damn, u fucking idiot!
You agre with this shitty war? Fuck u!
I don't. You have no point to argue with me. That's why u posted this thread. You fucking nazi.

Get your fuckin finger out of your asshole and read this thread again you little smart ass piece of shit eater. Lots of arguments...your too fuckin stupid to make sence out of it, as you are with everthing else.

You call me a nazi you little fuck. you dont even know what the word means, and thats written on your fuckin forehead with a huge red MARKER. Youve already puked about ppl who live in a different place than you do(and you obviously cant handle someone turning thetable on you). Isnt that a bit of PUTTING YOURSELF AND YOUR KIND ABOVE THE REST? ISNT THAT A NAZI/COMMUNIST outlook? You little skinhead bastard.

You can take your communist traits, and go somewhere else. You know NOTHING about living in the USA, or anywhere else but your 3rd world rock, just under the LLAMA turd you live on. You know nothing about the world today, or tomorrow, or yesterday. ALl you know is what your 1st grade drop out teachers have told you. Plus your brain dead cockroach parents.

ANd i think its the otehr way around. I think it to be YOU has no argument. I think it to be you who has no deffence. I think it to be you who needs needs to stop and examine your posts and replies around this place. I think it would do you wonders to keep your tongue over other ppls opinions. YOu could state your say, and that could be it...but NOOOOOooooooooOOOOO, you cnat handle someone who thinks on their own. YOu cant handle someone who has a different outlook than you. You are just like BUSH. Are you sure your mum didnt swim across and sneak under teh uSA fence somewhere and fuck ol bushy JR...then 9 months later YOU poped out of that gapping puss hole?

Now, i understand, with your limited education, you will have troubel understanding everything i have stated...but try really hard, yeah, do yourself a favor, and TRY.
Oh yeah..LLAMA BOY>>>Looks like the town and common ppl in sountehrn iraq are cheering as troops tear down posters of SADDAMizer.

SO, you are all for the CAPTIVITY of the Iraqi ppl then?
Ok, seeing how JUGGY WUGGY wants to continue in WD's update thread...ill paste a bit of finger from the before stated thread.

Originally Posted by The_Witch_King
at least in South America we are more humble, we don't have monkey presidents and terrorist do not destroy our buildings

**Yeah, you have drug lords do it for ya...and the coffee kings.You fuckers send all your dope up north. You live in not only a country, but a continent full of drug addicts and drug dictators. ANd stupid fuckin old prune faced assholes with no teeth, who fuck LLAMAS. ***

by the way.. in Brazil the process of choose a president is an example of honesty.... it's not mannipulated as yours...

**do you liev in the USA? No. DO you know what you think you know...? NO. SHut your face.***

and Jugulator.. a door is smarter.. it doesn't start a war with other countries even if the entire world support it...

**so what your retard ass is farting is...YOUR STUPID! READ AGAIN WHAT YOU JUST WROTE....your saying the entire world is supporting WAR, and the USA isnt having war....yor fucked. Your 3rd world school, and your 3rd world teacher fucked you over retard.**

And I am PROUD of be born in South America... if I were born in USA at this moment I would be sick.. and asking to live in a another country because I would be so ashamed...

***ANd your really proud of your father selling drugs?****

Oh.. and we are almost self-suficients in producing our Oil ... we don't have to start a war for it...

**No, you reserve your right for war. You fight to get your drugs across the boarder. Other wise your 3rd world cont worl topple...**

This is so fucking stupid using WD's thread for a war fight.

BUt since your throwing your 1/2 a cent in like a kid shitting yellow.....

huge dissapointment, all this. I only saw an American soldier forcing the iraqui "soldier" who came out with a white flag in rags to kneel down to search for weapons he might have. and I saw Americans taking down the Iraqui flag and putting on the American (in a town in the South, on B... but I forgot). are they in the process of deliberating Iraq or conquering it?
nevermind, like I didn't say anything.
I'll silently wait for the Enemies Of Reality.... fine title...
Tee: the american soldiers are under strict orders to not put up the flag...the ones who have have had to take them down.

they also aren't allowed to throw candy to the children, they are afraid the kids will get too close to the convoys and get run over.

p.s. it's only fair to make the iraqi surrenderers kneel and be searched, we have gotten quite used to the fondness of muslim extremists toward their body bombs.