for those who know classical music a lot

Post_Scriptum said:
can you name me some classical musicians that are doing (or made) some dark songs?
My favorite darker peices are Marche Funebre by Chopin and Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata, both are pretty well known, but if your looking for sorrow, futility, and grief, these are it.
If you want some dark sounding classical stuff, check out a lot of the organ works of Johann Sebastian Bach. Listen to a piece called "Toccata and Fugue" to see what im talking about. Lots of music stores carry CDs of nothing but his organ works.
Beethoven - Symphony no.7 2nd Movement
Any of Bach's Fugues
Beethoven - Pathetique
Chopin - Nocturne Op.9 No.1
rite of string by stravinsky for sure.
stuff by mahler, wagner, schuman... anything romantic era and later. especially stuff by the russians. those guys really got intense after the romantic era.
Stravinsky - Rite of SpringBohuslav Martinu - Symphonies no.3 and 5, The Epic of GilgameshSchoenberg - Pierrot Lunaire (EXTREMELY creepy)Alban Berg - WozzeckShostakovich - Symphonies no. 5, 7, 11 and 12But most likely these will not be what you`re after, which is probably stuff like movie music, with minor chords in chromatic steps and the like... Do give the above a try, though.