Forum Meeting

Wouldn't you say it's pretty common to use the second decimal as well? Because I hear it all the time, and at least two or three of such times it's not the funny voices in my head providing the humorous commentary to what I'm watching on TV.
Well, bearing in mind we still use good old feet and inches over here too, it's not something that occurs too often. But on the occasions it does come up, it's never 1.73, for example, it'd be 1.70 or 1.75 instead. Only the way we say it, it'd actually be "one seventy" as opposed to "one point seven", so really there are no decimals at all.
someone please bring a laptop and a webcam :p i wish i could be there

I'm sure you're not the only one ;) . Still, it is a pity that you can't go, considering how "near" you live (at least compared to other people). I tried to convince Solefald to go, but I don't think he will, he's too lazy :p .

Also, good luck to the band on the concert!

I'll be there! (At least in spirit hehe).
I came back yesterday. I really had a great time, i enjoyed meeting everyone. Really.

The concert was great and everything is a blur, i guess i need some more time to let it sink in. I will definately write more about it later.
Tutti Frutti Milano, part 1

This is a tale short to live but alas so long to tell that I need to divide it into multiple parts. I'll try to give you all a general picture of how it went from my point of view and I hope others who were present will contribute on the details.

The (al)mighty participants of the Forum Meeting on Friday:

- Matse, the Master of Maps, Organization and Timetables, who went to the bathroom every hour with the same Germanic precision his forefathers sent trains to Auschwitz. Without him starting this thread the whole meeting wouldn't have been possible, so kudos for that.

- Siren, the Vile Mistress of Whips and Knives That Don't Cut, who was cast out of the Duomo Cathedral for being way too naughty and who can solely be held responsible for all the broken hearts of the mime-population in Milan (and a large part of the non-mime-population too, I'm sure).

- Cuthalion the Soon-to-be Great of Macedonia, who crossed many mountains and seas to conquer the one town his predecessor Alexander always wanted to conquer but couldn't find on the map: Milan. Luckily for the Milanese, Cuthalion grew too fond of the locals and decided to leave them alone and continue his conquest elsewhere.

- Rahvin, the Mystical Midget of Many Magical Mumblings, who entertained us with not only his witty verbalism and jolly personality, but his uncanny ability to buy us beer and snacks as well (I believe I owe him more than a few pints).

- Alfred the Ticketmaster, the paragon of charming Italian hospitality, without whom we probably couldn't have survived. Having briefly met his father I can save years of hard work by DNA-researchers and say with perfect confidence that yes, charm is something that is passed on through genes.

- Villain of All Trades and Master of None, who drank plenty of beers, talked way too much and, above all, enjoyed the wonderful company like never before. I already miss all you people!

I first met Matse and Siren at the hotel in Friday. The first thing I noticed about Matse was that he had brought a suitcase full of beer(!) with him, like any proper German should when they go abroad. Siren was just as enchanting as you would imagine from her posts (and twice the tease), so the three of us got along very well from early on. I'm sure the two can share their first impressions here, too. :p

Next we went to the city and met Cuthalion, who was quite recognizable from his handsome avatar. After drinking some tasteless beers and eating some rubbery pizzas (to avoid any misunderstandings, this was the only time we were not happy with the food, the rest of the times the food was at least decent, often excellent), we separated and went back to prepare ourselves for the nights show.

After a short break at the hotel Matse and I walked to the closed venue, where Cuthalion already waited for us. Despite the pouring rain our spirits were high and soon they got even higher as we finally met Rahvin, who took us to a nice small place nearby where we could chat and have a few beers (what else did you expect?) without getting all wet. Rahvin's girlfriend was also present, but she doesn't have a screenname here on the forum (yet), so I won't write more about her before she (hopefully) joins some day.

Meanwhile, Alfred and Siren had apparently met somewhere and they "wisely" chose to simultaneously call Rahvin and me (respectively), so that we could have a very confusing four-way-discussion. Luckily Rahvin managed to explain our location to Alfred, so that soon we were all gathered together and received our tickets for the show. After finishing our beers we went to the venue, which was now open. On the line in we enjoyed the nearby wet DT t-shirt competition (minus the boobs, though). When we got in, the place was already rather full and the first band of the evening was playing.

I'll comment on the actual show on the other thread and come back here for part two a bit later. Hail BenQ!

Group photo from right after the concert:

From left to right: Cuthalion, me, Siren, Villain, Rahvin, Alfred, Rahvin's girlfriend (not on the forum).

A picture of Rei Toei since she wasn't present during the group picture:

The part if the bathroom every hour happened on one evening when we were already back at the hotel and still drinking beer and it only happened three times.

We shouldn't leave Rhavin's girlfriend with only a little sidenote, so:
- Rhavin's girlfriend with who is such a nice and beautiful woman that we should all hope for Rahvin that they will continue being together until the end of time

and I hope that you only left out Rei Toei out because she appeared only after the concert and you will make up for it in your next post.
Ha! I love it how the red in Rahvin's eyes makes him look totally evil and Alfred seems like his impish servant or something.:flame:

And Siren is clearly asleep, which explains how she could be so fresh in the Sunday-morning, while everyone else (and particularly I) was so damn tired - she was apparently taking small naps all the time when nobody was looking. :zzz:

Rei Toei will appear in the second part. I'll probably post it tomorrow.

Rahvin, Alfred, Rahvin's girlfriend (not on the forum).

Punctuation ist king - I'd be soooooo confused without the picture.

I'm looking at THAT and realizing how amazingly cool I am.

In real life, that is, not with my fucking wit on these boards... like some (yeah, FUCK YOU, you!)

And - is that a fucking party table??? Are YOU FOR FUCKING REAL???

- Rhavin's girlfriend with who is such a nice and beautiful woman that we should all hope for Rahvin that they will continue being together until the end of time

Well, thanks! Such a robust list of compliments makes me overlook the fact that I'm not sure I understand what you're trying to say. :p

plintus said:
In real life, that is, not with my fucking wit on these boards.

I'm glad you clarified, because it could have so easily been either!
I don't know, maybe you could brag about your real life excellence. Not saying it would help, it's just the first idea that crossed my mind. Let me know how it works out.

Not bad: getting wasted on champagne all weekend, playing with my new Mac, taking drugs, having unprotected sexes with multiple partners, waking up naked outside on the steps of my apartment not remembering how I got there... that's just this weekend.

Too bad you missed all the fun while being in the area and all.

Shame, shame...
I kind of get the feeling someone is a bit jealous here... :Smug:

And drugs are bad for you, okay, you should stop taking them.

The following is so funnily (un)related to Milan, that I just have to post it. It is a comic strip from the biggest Finnish newspaper, Helsingin Sanomat.


The translation: "It says here that da Vinci invented the helicopter back in his days."

(We didn't actually go see the Last Supper, even though we waded through numerous lingerie-stores just to get the directions to it.)
