Forum Meeting

There will definitely be another one, but we should wait until a nice tour pops up and since no one else seems to try to put one up, everyone will have to wait until I like a concert enough somewhere that I think it is worth a meeting, which should at least be a headlining concert. I hope it will be this summer though.
Plans for a meeting during the headlining tour in Europe are in the earliest stages, I will post updates here as soon as it gets a bit more specific.
I don't know what you're planning, but if you take suggestions, I'd nominate the October 29 Oulu (Finland) date, for obvious reasons. I'm going to be there regardless with some of my friends, and I'm pretty sure I can arrange some sort of free accommodation (sofa/floor for sleeping) for a few members of this forum if needed. You must tolerate the presence of several drunken Finns if you choose this option, however.

Naturally, I'm also open to any other Finnish show on this tour (October 28, 30, 31, November 1 and 2), but the Oulu date would be my choice.

If the meeting will be somewhere else, I'll try my best to get there, but can make no promises until late summer when my work-schedules become clearer.

Anyways, I'm certainly waiting for a chance to meet all of you again, and I hope some new faces show up this time!

The only members of this board I am looking forward to meeting play in dark tranquillity... mere mortals can fuck off :D
Now we need Siren in this thread (to tell us Greece is the obvious choice), then we can start planning. ;)
But of course. We have beaches, sun and great food.

The only thing we miss is a place on the tour list. :goggly:
How are you doing with the crisis Siren?
Well, if we look at it objectively, i'm doing exactly as i did before: i make no money and i pay no taxes, so the crisis has no direct effect on me. :p
But things are getting much tougher for the lower-middle classes, and especially for those who work for the state (and thus don't get much money to boot with). The government just announced some very harsh measures which pretty much amount to cutting down one month's payment from salaries (and possibly pensions too). Everyone is angry because it wasn't them who stole all the missing money in the first place, and it's not fair to force the weaker ones to pay the debts, while the rich ones suffer no consequences. We want to see people getting punished for what has been stolen in the past decades, but it's not going to happen, so people are getting poorer and increasingly frustrated.

On a lighter note: is there any chance you'll attend a meeting? I have no idea if i'll go, but it would be nice to meet you there.
The only members of this board I am looking forward to meeting play in dark tranquillity... mere mortals can fuck off :D

Yeah, mere mortals are not at all as interesting as the band members...

Martin H. for example after a festival gig at Tuska didn't seem to be from this planet. The stories were quite interesting somewhat to say. Well, atleast he spoke swedish and that was about the thing that was most normal that evening. :goggly:
In my opinion the two best dates would be Berlin and Gothenburg. Both dates are on a Sunday, so we can meet on the weekend and have the concert as the final event of the meeting. Also both cities have good public transportation. Gothenburg obviously is the hometown of the band and the last stop on the tour. Berlin is a nice city (from what I have heard Gothenburg isn't really the prettiest city on earth, not really ugly either though) with a big airport (it should be cheaper to get there for most people than to get to Gothenburg) and has lots of places that can be visited. My personal vote would go for Berlin, but feel free to comment or suggest other places.
In my opinion the two best dates would be Berlin and Gothenburg. Both dates are on a Sunday, so we can meet on the weekend and have the concert as the final event of the meeting. Also both cities have good public transportation. Gothenburg obviously is the hometown of the band and the last stop on the tour. Berlin is a nice city (from what I have heard Gothenburg isn't really the prettiest city on earth, not really ugly either though) with a big airport (it should be cheaper to get there for most people than to get to Gothenburg) and has lots of places that can be visited. My personal vote would go for Berlin, but feel free to comment or suggest other places.

I vote for Göteborg. Oh wait, I can't go :p . But the latter seems a great option, since the band could go.
If you plan to fly anywhere don't discount that volcano in Iceland
the experts say its just getting started and will increase in intensity
as time goes on -

Correct, and a couple of its neighbors are also threatening to wake up. Specifically, Katla has shown increased activity in the past couple of days (+200%, in fact) and since it has always erupted - at least as far as we know - in the same circumstances as Eyjafjallajokul, we're probably in for a long, long time in the shadow of Mount Doom.
Enough with the LotR geekiness there. :D

I vote for Germany. As a general rule, I mean.