forum solo competition

Who do *you* think shreds the best?

  • Entry 01

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Entry 02

    Votes: 6 15.8%
  • Entry 03

    Votes: 2 5.3%
  • Entry 04

    Votes: 12 31.6%
  • Entry 05

    Votes: 1 2.6%
  • Entry 06

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Entry 07

    Votes: 16 42.1%
  • Entry 08

    Votes: 1 2.6%

  • Total voters
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That could be a cool idea phish! We'll have to keep that in mind.:rock:
i agree, that would be cool, as it will let the player write something that will fit his soloing style, and thus the end product will be better.
However, as not everyone has the means/time to do his own backing track, this idea might further reduce the participation in this contest, and that would suck.

Here is an idea. We take a song and cut the solo out of it and play a solo there instead the original one. In other words the one who makes the backing track will have to record the backing track to the solo section of that song at the same tempo as the original and copy paste into the song. Might be a little difficult, but would be fun. Here is a song idea: 7 tongues of god, born to darkness (dragonlord), fight fire with fire (metallica), refuse/resist (sepultura) for a shred backing track, or maybe a ballad like the heart collector, return to serenity (testament) or so. this would be fun for playing in context, rather than just soloing over a backing track that is not connected to any other riffs, melodies in the bigger picture of a song.

if neither of these ideas, i suggest for the next competition we have a blues track to jam over and play some blues. IMHO that would be fun, and accessible, as no shred or advanced theory knowledge, or high end amps, 7 strings and shit like that is necessary, my 2 cents.

I recorded my solo, but broke the high E string 10 seconds before the finish. I will have to rerecord it tomorrow.

later edit: after breaking another high E string i got the solo done. you got mail steve. btw How long is this competition gonna be open?
Well Everyone,

After a little bit of a delay, we'll have the entries up tomorrow for sure, and have a vote that will last 1 week only this time. Spread the word, so we get these heard for you, and voted on!:rock::rock::rock:
And finally, here are the entries! My apologies for the delay. As we can see, there are 4 entries this time. We'll have a voting poll as usual. The poll will remain open for 1 week, from Tuesday, September 18th, 2007, to Tuesday, September 25th,2007. The winner will get the opportunity to create a backing track of their own design, for all to solo over in the next competition!

Best of luck to all who entered! There's some pretty cool stuff in here, so check it out everyone!:rock::rock::rock:
I think I know who played the first one, that vibrato is easily recognizable.

jeff or steve or maybe chris broderick? (maybe marty himself is wasting time on forums and is a fan of steve) or mpiggot? and who would be your guess?

later edit: upon review of vibrato i would actually go with Steve. I compared it to the vibrato from the psalm of lydia solos from guitar world, and his heart collector vibrato (metalmania 2006)
jeff or steve or maybe chris broderick? (maybe marty himself is wasting time on forums and is a fan of steve) or mpiggot? and who would be your guess?

later edit: upon review of vibrato i would actually go with Steve. I compared it to the vibrato from the psalm of lydia solos from guitar world, and his heart collector vibrato (metalmania 2006)

Ha, well I didn't want to name anyone but I believe it is...

Wow, voted for #1. There´s something in the picking style that reminded me of Steve. Excellent playing :rock:
As far as the other entries, they were all pretty good. IMHO the level in all four entries is higher than in previous contests.
Really great overall level oft the entries here. I'm thinking of joining next time, although it seems hard to hold a candle to the first one. But anyway it's more about fun than competition I think and it's pushing you forward. Once again: great job by all participants!
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