forum solo competition

Who do *you* think shreds the best?

  • Entry 01

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Entry 02

    Votes: 6 15.8%
  • Entry 03

    Votes: 2 5.3%
  • Entry 04

    Votes: 12 31.6%
  • Entry 05

    Votes: 1 2.6%
  • Entry 06

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Entry 07

    Votes: 16 42.1%
  • Entry 08

    Votes: 1 2.6%

  • Total voters
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Voted for #1 in this one. I liked that it followed the track, specially the first part sounds really cool but it lacks some sort of a climax, what I mean is that the way the solo developed through the track called for some shredding at the end to finish things up.
The xylophone (?) in the back sounded cool.
Voted for #1 in this one. I liked that it followed the track, specially the first part sounds really cool but it lacks some sort of a climax, what I mean is that the way the solo developed through the track called for some shredding at the end to finish things up.
The xylophone (?) in the back sounded cool.

#1 got my vote. I agree with everything you said. I also thought that #1 did lack some type of shredding at the end because of big the build up. :rock:
1 wins, end of discussion.

Note to self: recording and putting together a metal solo with an acoustic guitar takes more than three minutes, in the cases where it is in fact possible.

We have a winner on this competition!

The 5th Horseman is the winner of this competition! Congrats 5th Horseman!

Please contact me via email ASAP, and we can discuss the next competition, and ideas for the backing track!

My thanks to the others that entered, and best of luck in future competitions!

Speaking of, due to the limited interest in these competitions recently, I have decided so far to relax the entry rules for the next competition, leaving a longer period for entry, but the voting poll will remain open for the same amount of time.

I hope that more will show interest in getting in on this in the future, and sharing your talents with all of us here! This is for you guys after all, and I hope to hear more of you! If you've got the goods, deliver 'em then, don't just talk about it, or hide it, rather, but let's hear you on here!

In other words, don't be shy! Stay tuned, more to come soon....:rock: :rock: :rock:
And I've been in correspondence with the 5th Horseman, so we should have a backing track within the next week at least.

Again, my thanks to those who entered, and I hope you will both enter the next one, and I hope to see some familiar entries as well returning!!!

Stay tuned!!!:rock: :rock: :rock:
After a slight delay on my part (busy with The EssenEss Project right now), here's the backing track for the 7th Forum Solo Competition, per our recent winner of the 6th Forum Solo Competition, Fifth Horseman!

Here a little detail on the backing track this time, The track is in 4/4, tempo is at 200 bpm, and the key center is Eb minor.

The first section contains a spiced up i-VI-III-v progression. The second section moves through two parts: a i-VII-VI-iv-V progression, hinting at Eb harmonic minor here in the last chord, and a i-VII-IV(could be either a parallel IV chord, or a V of VII, a slight modulation either way). The last section, a half time section, consists of 4 progressions: 1. i-VI-VII 2.i-VI-VII-v 3. a repeat of Progression 1, and 4.i-III-IV-v

And, may I say, it's got that old school shred vibe going on again, so LET'S HEAR ALL YOU SHREDDERS GET IN ON THIS ONE!!!:rock: :rock: :rock:

We'll keep this open again until the end of the month to accept entries, and give all of you time to jam out on this. The deadline for entries this time will be Tuesday, July 31st, 2007, at 4:15 PM PST.


We'll have a vote on everyone's favorite solo (constructive criticism is strongly encouraged here!), in the form of a voting poll, and at the end of the vote, the winner will win the opportunity to do the next backing track!

So, go swill some octane, and put the pedal to the effin' metal,let it rip, and LET'S HEAR SOME SHREDDING IN THIS COMPETITION!!!:rock: :rock: :rock:
Cool track, sounds good :kickass: I think I may have to pass in this one, but I'm lookin foward to hear the entries.
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