Steve Smyth's forum solo competition


Rome 64 C.E.
May 17, 2006
It is a sticky on his forum. Anyone interested in participating read there for rules and the backing track. It is just for fun, winner does the next backing track.
Have fun with it!
I will try a solo, but i'm not too confident about what is gonna come out, the track is pretty challenging
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I'd participate but i know pretty much 0 theory and i'm not very good at improvising. plus if for some crazy reason i won i wouldn't be very good at making a backing track either =P awesome idea for a game though.
Now now kids, calm down.
For anyone interested, there is indeed a "solo contest" on my forum, and submissions will be accepted until Monday October 23rd, @ 2pm PST.
Full details under the thread provided here:
( It's a pretty lengthy thread, but the info on the contest is located in my posts as you find them. You guys/gals seem pretty capable of making/reading long threads, so I'm pretty confident you'll be able to find them on there.:lol: )
I encourage anyone interested, and with the capability of recording a solo and sending it in in mp3 form, please do so! I'd love to hear what you can do!
Anyone interested in the voting end of things, we're going to have a "poll" style vote, and constructive_criticism_ comments are encouraged, and will be monitored.
Come on over to my forum if you're interested!:headbang:
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Got some ideas but they just don't sound right. I guess I should stop trying to play a solo in drop G.
Actually, dude to technical errors with my e-mail, submission time has been extended until Tuesday Oct. 24th, @2pm PST. Thanks to all who have entered so far! Hope to hear from a few more of you!:headbang: