Forumers cover the O band...

Must... get... that... DOTF... tone... AARGH ! :yell:

So the traditional question...

What's your gear ? What did you use to record it (program) ? Drums ?
Your amp settings ? Line-in or mic ? etc. etc.

Thanks ! :)
Moonlapse said:
Haha, that's true enough I suppose. 'Bout time to stop riding Opeth. Good to see you're still going with DIE. Have you been whoring your stuff to any record labels?

We will finish up the new EP and start the band up live hopefully before the end of the year, so I think we will be in a much better position with labels than we were when we just had some little home demo.
Protected Witness said:
Homegrown once again, with about 17 times the gear to record it with than before.

There are roughly mixed samples in my sig. The vocals are going to be retarded.
Retarded? imo standard practice featured some of the fattest growls ever... But the clean DIE vocals suck in general if you're talking about that. :)
atilla000 said:
Retarded? imo standard practice featured some of the fattest growls ever... But the clean DIE vocals suck in general if you're talking about that. :)

Retarded as in retardedly good. By my standards. I am a retard.

Really I say that due to our vocal skills improving greatly, and cause we have new mics. I can't wait to hurry up and move and get it all recorded...