Freakin' drunks!


Southern born, metal bred
Dec 13, 2004

my comp is right by my back kitchen window. i have the blinds cracked.
i was sitting here writing an email and i caught a glimpse of a man's shirt at my window.
at first i thought it was one of my brothers. they occasionally stop by to see if i need anything if they're in the neighborhood.

i got up and leaned over to peek out the crack in the blinds to see which brother it was. at that same moment, a strange man's face is suddenly peeking back at me!

my first reaction: i hollered, 'WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT?!?'

strange guy straightened up, put a cigarette in his mouth and casually stepped off my back deck.

i went to the front of the house to look for a car in the yard. i didnt see one, so i came back to the back and looked again. i couldnt see the guy, so i went to the bedroom and got my .38 spl.
i went bounding out and around the house, fully intending to put the fear of God into him.

i couldnt find him and my next door neighbor came over and asked what was wrong. i told him about the guy looking in my window and he said he noticed a guy walking down the road. we went out to the road and looked and saw the guy walking away.

i went in and called my daddy and told him what had happened. he was in the area and took off down the road.
i think he caught the guy pretty quickly. he knew him and the guy was drunk.

note: WAS drunk. i think Daddy might have scared him sober. he grabbed him by the collar and put a gun in his face and told him he ought to blow his brains out, right there. the guy tried to act like he didnt know what he was talking about and Daddy told him he'd kill him if he came on his daughter's porch and looked in her window again. he told him that he was lucky i hadnt shot him [which is true].

now i'm all freaked out and wondering how many times this guy has been drunk and at my back window before.
I don't blame you for being freaked out. You don't need drunken peeping tom's on your property. You should get a big dog, like a german shepard or a rottweiler.