Freddy Vs Jason ==No Spoilers posted here please==


Old School Youngin
Mar 10, 2002
north carolina
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Man freddy vs jason goddamn owned, i was expectin a little bit but i mean it surpassed me, i might see it again today. Well in a non spoiling nut shell, the movie had good ownage(killing) and an, what i thought, incredible story line that makes you think about both series a lot especially a nightmare on elm street, id give this movie 8/10 at least, if not a 9 soooooo,

go see this goddamn movie
I thought it kicked ass...then toward the end I thought, how fucking cheesy what a cop out. Then I thought cool that's better, then I thought how fucking cheesy again.

If you didn't see the movie that shouldn't ruin anything, if you did see the movie maybe you can figure out what I was talking about.
That movie was the worst piece of shit ever. Aside from some parts that were hilarious because of their audacity, I found the film to be a complete waste. It's not like I was expecting a Scorsese, but c'mon, they could've done more with what they had. I may hate this film more than Jason X or Jason Takes Manhattan, at least I knew how bad those films were gonna be..........................................
Jason Takes Manhattan did suck ass, even though Kane Hodder was the shit. I liked the 7th sequel though (and 6th was probably the worst piece of shit). I haven't seen neither Jason X nor the latest movie, but I might just check it out because Jason is just a classic (Part II. was the best ever!)
I thought it was entertaining to say the least. I went in expecting nothing because I have thought for years both series have had little to offer in blockbuster releases. If you are a fan of horror films, see it. Just don't expect horror.
johnnieCzech said:
Who would expect horror. I'd expect comedy.

If we were all still kids it would have been scary.

Some horrible horrible parent took a group of 8-9 year olds when I went, they screamed like...well...frightened children.
That's how we all should treat the f**kin brats! (Well...not you :lol:) Naughty? Don't want to shut up? Show them some Vorhees shit!