Freddy Vs Jason who will win

I've read the production script (so it claimed). It starts out like a Nightmare on Elm Street movie, with a group of kids being terrorized by Freddy, one girl in particular. Anyway, they decide to take a trip out to the lake, and Jason shows up and is trying to kill them. Anyway, Freddy shows up for the girl and finds Jason. They fight it out, whatever. It turns out that Freddy haunted Jason's dreams when he was a kid, and because of it, he drowned himself :lol:

When Jason started killing people, the reason he did it was that he saw everyone as Freddy and was getting revenge. Anyway, they end up killing each other.

I think I may have killed the movie...oh, well. It's not like it'll be good anyway.
that actually kind of sounds pretty cool :lol:

The best movie was Nightmare on Elm Street part 6. omg it starts off beautiful... it's beautiful throughout the middle... and it ends pretty crappy but it still kicks ass :lol: I love the part where that kid goes into the videogame! But the nightmare scene it starts off with is perhaps the best... it's just wicked. :p They don't make movies like that anymore.
lower body counts? maybe. but much more creative deaths. That's what I'm a fan of. see, my first horror movie ever was Nightmare on Elm Street... the first one. Watched it when I was 3 years old and since then I always had weird thoughts in my head. I grew up watching shit like Tales from the Crypt and weird sci-fi movies.

Matter of fact, if you can remember this movie please tell me. But when I was 7 I sat up in the living room watching a movie about this kid who's dad dies then the man's spirit enters his son's body and possesses him. The boy goes to an orphan place or whatever and he gets hostile... starts killing everyone there... except it's really his dad, not him. At one point he snatches this gay black dude's hat off and tosses it into one of those machines taht you put branches into to chop them up... the kid's arm gets devoured when he reaches in to grab it. I can only remember small bits and pieces of it though and I have no clue what it was. I want to see it again so bad just to know what it was 'cos that was one of the movies that inspired my weird ways of thinking.

And nowadays, when I write stories, I always tend to come up with the most gruesome and/or strange deaths. For instance, in a story called Fatal Resurrection a woman murders her fiancé and eats his remains, then he has some kind of curse on his body so that his body recollects itself so he grows again from inside her body... and grows out of her. Then there's another story, Inner Beast, where a guy is running from a werewolf, the beast catches up with him, sticks his hand INTO othe guy's back and snaps his spine with his fingers. :tickled: I just wish I could see that kind of stuff in movies nowadays. It's all guns and knives... nobody ever gets down and dirty about things anymore. :erk: