Fredrik and Mattias leave Katatonia

Damn, I just came home from my vacation and saw these news and was like :guh::yell::waah::ill::cry:
This is NOT REALLY the nicest (post) christmas gift I ever got... I'm gonna miss the brothers terribly!! Their impact on the songwriting might not have been so evident (recently) but they are leaving a big sad hole on and aside of the kata stage. I always loved their super cool, personable and down- to- earth style. Ever since I first saw Katatonia with this line- up, I felt that this is exactely how I want my favourite band to sound, perform, look and be like. It will never be the same again without the Norrmans but I'm hoping it will still be as good.
However, I understand their decision, family is what matters most.
I'll try to get used to new faces and I trust the rest of the band will make a good choice when picking new members. Wouldn't mind Sodomizer as a permanent member. To me, he has already been a part of the band for quite a while 'cause he's always around and so familiar. And why not get Guillaume back on bass, he's already a piece of the Kata- puzzle anyway.
My greatest respect and thanks to Mattias and Fred and all the best to their families. I hope that maybe someday when I roam Sweden again, I might possibly see the guys popping up in some local band in Dalarna or somewhere... You're not gonna throw your instruments into the garbage can, are you?!:erk:
Or actually, a final concert with the old line up would be the best way to say goodbye.
Last but not least- good luck to the remaining band members, I really hope you'll find worthy replacements soon.
If Blakkheim did say anything, it would probably just be repeating what's already in the press'd be redundant. Heck, he probably wrote the press release himself...he can't control people's posts.

: (

good luck to Fred and Mattias.. i'm sure you'll keep your kata-blood forever..! gl to kata as well, on this new phase.

yea.. with breaking news like that even the 'dead' awakes.. long time no posts.
This is so sad... specially for Fred, who has been there since the Brave Murder Day(s). I consider him one of the "classic" members along with Jonas and Anders.

Good luck to them...

This is such a great oppertunity.
To be honest I don't think both guys have had a whole lot of influence on the sound. The big force is Jonas and Anders. Also Daniel makes himself a very valuable member, but Mattias and Fredrik are the least damaging to leave the band. So actually I'm very thrilled about what new members can bring into the katatonia equation. Katatonia will have the extremely strong basis in Jonas and Anders, so the difference can only be subtly. I think it will be a bit refreshing, so...
All the best Katatonia. Good luck with finding new members.
And of course great thanks to Mattias and Fredrik

I think this is problably the only post in this topic that i agree with.
All the drama and comparisons with the end of the world and with family members dying is just plain ridiculous.
Its sad... period.
But the brothers had nothing to do with Katas sound, so no big deal.
If it were Anders or Jonas what would happen in here? Mass suicide?

People should now support the band and quit the ridiculous whinning.
I fear for the replacements. I wouldn't want to be fred or mattias replacement after reading all this drama topic.

Like i said, Kata is still pretty much alive. With all due respect to past members and their important roles in the history of the band, the truth is that Anders and Jonas make Katatonia.

Good luck to the Norrmam brothers
And move on people.
I can't agree with this at all. Jonas and Anders are important, the others are just robots that can be replaced, or what?
You can replace a guitarist, but not a person.
Thank you Unicorn, these are my thoughts exactely!!!
It's easy and obvious to praise and worship the creative genius of Jonas and Anders. Nothing's wrong with that of course! Yet the role of the others shouldn't be underestimated. The general "chemistry" in a band, having reliable, good people backing the main forces up, is something very important, I believe. I don't think Fred and Mattias were there only for decoration (yet they were surely quite decorative hehe...:grin:) But remember, with them (plus Daniel) the band was stable and active and constantly moving forward for many years, after a long time of line up struggles.
Nonetheless, I would agree that every end is the beginning of something new and I'll welcome the new members 'cause I'm sure Katatonia won't take just the second best.

By the way, was anyone else wondering who this Niklas Sandin is?
A friend just send me this link:
If that's the same guy, the next Katatour could turn out pretty funny... ;) don't seriously think they'll play any Katasongs in that style but hey it would be pretty damn funny if they did (though not very katatonic at all haha...)
for fucks sake....anyone who has been in any band for any period of time knows that a band is certainly not just music playing...its brotherhood..through thick and thin type shit. Im not so much worried about the music part changing...and Im not really worried about this being the end of Katatonia. It is ,on the other hand, the end of a period of time in which Katatonia has been stable with its members.
for fucks sake....anyone who has been in any band for any period of time knows that a band is certainly not just music playing...its brotherhood..through think and thin type shit. Im not so much worried about the music part changing...and Im not really worried about this being the end of Katatonia. It is ,on the other hand, the end of a period of time in which Katatonia has been stable with its members.

It's absolutely the end of an era.

And that's what makes it so exciting I think.
New members usually can make or break a band, but in Katatonia's case we have Jonas and Anders who can manage the whole lot, so I'm guessing that the input from new members will have way higher odds to be positive than negative
All the drama and comparisons with the end of the world and with family members dying is just plain ridiculous.

There was no comparison. I literally lost a family member the same week that this release hit the front page.

sorry if it was 'drama' to you but for me it was salt on the wound, so shove off.