Free New Music CDs at ProgPower

Matt Lee

Aug 6, 2004
New York, NY
Some of you may know me from other lists (TEOF for example) I've only been on a few weeks but thought I'd throw this out there. I've been to every progpower since PP2.0, so maybe I've met some of you there as well.

I'm sure a lot of you have noticed young musicians handing out their demos or self-produced CDs at prog power and I just thought I'd give a heads up about mine to anyone who likes that kind of thing. Also a few people I know may remember I brought a very rough demo song a couple years back at PPIII (and this will be much, much better).

There are two things I hope to be bringing this year.

First is a solo CD I have been working on for the past year. Not that it had to take a year but it was a matter of inspiration and having the time with school and work (and occasionally being lazy). Now its almost done and there's just some vocals and mixing left and if all goes to plan, I will have 100 copies of it in Atlanta next week. Its what I'd like to think is progressive metal, but I'm sure different people will hear it as different things. Its free so anyone who wants one may have one. I may reserve a few copies for people in positions that might affect my musical career (labels, distributors, Glenn, etc) but there will be plenty that I'll just give to whoever wants them so if you recognize me, feel free to come up and ask for one. I also intend to put the entire thing on my website in mp3 format once its done (URL to my site is in my sig).

The second is a CD of the first song from my new band Mirror Black. We're influenced by such bands as Nevermore, Symphony X, Evergrey, a lot of the current and classic power/prog metal bands. The band includes two former members of Nightmare's End who made a name for themselves in our home of Madison, WI as well as overseas. I joined up with Mirror Black a few months ago and whether or not this song is ready next week, you'll be hearing from us. There's still some uncertainty if the song will be ready, and I don't know if we'll have enough copies to be as undiscerning as I will with my solo CD, but if you're interested, talk to myself or Raven Murray (whom I'm sure some of you have encountered, he's been to as many ProgPowers as I have and probably talks to more people than I have).

So if you're interested in hearing either or both of these, feel free to drop me a line or just come up to me at ProgPower and say "Play me music that I might be amused!" or something. Hope this isn't too spammy, and if it is, I apologize.
Your rough demo a couple years ago kicked ass, Matt; so if this stuff's better, then we're in for a big treat..count me in! :)

Keep one for me. I'll play it on Seismic. Can't say as that will help your career, but it can't hurt, eh? :cool:

I'll see you there.


aka DJKez
Whew! It was close but I finished it. :D

If you aren't going to be at ProgPower (though I guess this would be a strange forum to be in) or if you'd just like a preview to help decide whether or not its worth finding me to get a copy ;) mp3s are available here (yes, ALL of it).

See you all in Atlanta!
my new band Mirror Black. We're influenced by such bands as Nevermore, Symphony X, Evergrey, a lot of the current and classic power/prog metal bands.

definately interested in this, as Nevermore is a favorite band of mine. And with a name like 'Mirror Black', it can't disappoint. ;)

If you could reserve me a copy of it, I'll get a review written up for Snakenet Radio - if one of the staff doesn't beat me to it. heh heh. Otherwise, I'll just check it out at your site. Thanks!

I'll be the guy handing out flyers for Overlorde, probably wearing a PPUSAIII shirt. I'll certainly stand out with my short hair, glasses, and facial hair. Yes, I am a Metal Geek!

:kickass: LOL

