Free Speech


Nov 19, 2001
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I've noticed alot of people are very uncomfortable about some of the ideas on this sub-forum and have left. Why is this? Why are there so few people that post here anymore? Even if someone is a communist or Nazi, why not argue with them, or engage them in meaningful discourse, rather than dismissing them as crazy etc.?

I suppose it is something based on ones personality, but I find it odd that one would be uncomfortable if someone preaches differing or extreme ideas from oneself. Doesnt this imply ones own insecurity over their beliefs, or their lack of intelligence in defending their beliefs?
I've just not had the time or energy to be in much of a philosophical mood over the last few weeks, if anyone's wondering why I've posted less. Exams'n'shit.
the radical traditionalists, the nazis, the staunch anti-christians... i enjoy arguing against them and their, from my point of view, are absurd claims. i don't always have the time to post lengthy articles and sources.
Feeling "philosophical" is a come and go thing for me. And I only just discovered that UM has this page.

For years, I debated theists and conservatives on various BBs (the band Creed had a great site, full of ranting & raving fasco-Christians). is another great site. Tons of theists enter the site looking to debate atheists and agnostics (and usually have their asses handed to them - those atheists are a tough lot).

Anyway, it all depends on the mood of the day.
Creed is an ironic band. their fans claim they are christian, but the band denies it. denial of faith is against the religion so i disagree with their fans, though they had some decent songs.
I'm not bothered by people expressing extreme opinions, or opinions that differ wildly from mine. There are two sides to everything and this forum would be boring and pointless if someone posted their views and then all everyone else had to say on the subject was "I agree," or something to that effect. Conflict of beliefs is what produces discussion, and thankfully the discussion here stays intelligent without all the pointless one-liners you see in other forums (and I'm as guilty of those as anyone, but I don't do it here...)

If someone holds Nazi beliefs I'll probably disagree 100% with almost everything they have to say, but that doesn't mean they don't have the right to say it so long as they state their views in a way that is mature and serious. I think it's important to remember that people, or most people anyway, don't just choose their beliefs at random. It's not "eenie-meenie-miney-moe, okay I'm gonna be a fascist (or atheist, or Christian, or whatever else)"--there is usually some kind of at least semi-logical thought process involved before people jump to a given conclusion. I do not believe there is any contemporary "ism" or school of thought that makes NO valid points (please correct me if I'm wrong...) therefore I'm more than willing to hear what any and all of them have to say.
speed said:
Even if someone is a communist or Nazi, why not argue with them, or engage them in meaningful discourse, rather than dismissing them as crazy etc.?

Mainly because opinions and sources are balkanized, as you see here.

However, I agree. I think discourse between extreme right and left elements should open up again, because they're both arguing their way toward the same solution (environmental policy, localization, ethnic preservation, anti-corporate).