Friday-Maiden shirt day!

So... this happened in 2009 and 2012. 2015 seems like good timing to do it again... especially with Iron Maiden releasing a new album just a few days before the fest. :kickass:
I'm not even going to the fest but I like the idea behind having "themed" nights. However the Maiden thing reminds me of one of my favorite concert pastimes which is counting how many unique bands on shirts I can find. I've been doing it for about 20 years and while this is totally unscientific, most metal shows it is split about the same: 1/3 a band that is playing that night, 1/3 Iron Maiden shirts, and 1/3 other (a mix of other bands and non-metal attire). One major exception is Manowar; at their shows it is about 3/4 Manowar shirts with the rest being fairly evenly split between Maiden and other. Also, the more obscure the bands at the show the higher the percentage of other. For example, at Ragnarokkr I rarely see the same band shirt twice unless it is a band playing the fest.
Back in the early days, I was a one-man crew away from the stage. If you wanted something done, you had to find me. In a sea of black t-shirts, I needed something to stand out from the crowd. The Parrothead wardrobe was the easy answer.

Necessity became tradition.

I'm curious. Did you by chance wear a Vols hat with that Parrothead wardrobe?
But...but... Iron Maiden is NOT Prog!

hahaha *[in a wicked laughter tone]*

Wasn't this proposed years ago, with the same results (conflict with corsets, etc)?
Guess I will admire your persistence though.
Even if I'd still have to ask...why?