Friend Chicken


Aug 30, 2001
Breaking new ground with forum topics here. Thought I'd try one about food. What do you guys think about fried chicken? Looks like I'm trying Ezell's for the first time ever today. I'm pretty excited :kickass:



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They just opened an Ezell's on Lake City and 140th, bout a 5 minute drive from my apartment. Good chicken, though I'm not impressed by most of their side dishes. (Beans are especially cruddy, taste like they were cooked in ketchup.) But the chicken and fuckawesome rolls make up for it.
Personally, I make a mean oven-fried chicken. You start with bits of chicken and you bread them in bisquick (real or home-made) with oodles of garlic powder and whatever else strikes your fancy. Then you fry in oil until they're a lovely shade of light golden brown, and then lay out on a broiler pan to finish cooking in the oven at 375, turning half way through. It's godlike. Now commercial fried chicken? There's enough fat in that to make me queasy. And, well, to be honest, it takes a LOT of fat to make me queasy. Though in all fairness, I hear that Ezell's is really good -- way better than the Colonels.
not a fan of fried chicken at all. don't care for chicken itself much, and fried makes me sick almost everytime

Wow man. We're like polar opposites.

I loves me some chicken, mayne. Fried chicken and Popeyes biscuits ist krieg. Boiled Chicken. Baked Chicken. Chicken nuggets. Chicken strips. Chicken breast's. Chicken anything.

And don't feel sorry for them, either. I work on a huge farm/stable that's right on an urban/busy street. (I know that's weird.) Chickens are the most obnoxious fucking animals, let me tell you about them.

First of all, every rooster is a rapist. Seriously, they're ALWAYS chasing down the chickens, pinning them, and fucking them. There's three clans of them, each with 2 or 3 roosters and 7 or 8 chickens. They're territorial and fight each other.

They make these dumb fucking noises. BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. And anytime one lays an egg they all go ape shit and in unison scream for about 20 minutes.

They're stupid, stupid animals. They exist only for me to eat, and I make sure to eat chicken everyday.
haha epic post

also, i literally just bought 4 chicken breasts about 10 minutes ago because the packs of 2 were buy one get one free.
I'm not sick anymore, so I'm high for the first time in like a week. And I got OG Kush from Cali. Needless to say, I'm pretty gone and can't type well. But it's all true.
I recently tried "real" fried chicken, fried in lard. Hated it. Got a nasty aroma every time I opened my gob for a bite.

I also tried the real-deal a few years ago, at this party in the 'country'.
It was GROSS. I took the smallest piece I could get, ate a few bites and felt the oil in my stomach the whole day. Nasty.

The best fried chicken you can make is 'deep fried' like you'd make on Thanksgiving with turkey.
That is AMAZING. I bought the special pot 3 years ago, and every year make deep fried turkey / chicken, and last year I made deep fried duck!! sooooo juicy!
...and because it's deep fried in such high temperature- there is barely any oil soaked into the meat... you get the best juicy bird ever, with minimal grease. Fuck yeah.