From's interview with Jeff...


AKA Addicted To Death
Nov 16, 2001
Chicago, Illinois
Here's what Jeff had to say about this forum fellas. Expect some changes, for the better i'm assuming...

MetalReview: "Nevermore's official message board is pretty fucking chaotic and often so far left field of metal and music in general I have often wondered why the fuck you guys even keep it around. What are your thoughts on your forum?"

J.L.: "I don't even fuckin' read it. It's on there and it's just a bunch of people arguing and talking about the stupidest shit. One person writes in about something and 500 more will write in and tell their opinion about it. It's just something that's always been there and I can tell you that there is going to be a lot of changes to that as soon as the new album is released. The whole website's going to be redone."
JesterOfDeath said:
Here's what Jeff had to say about this forum fellas. Expect some changes, for the better i'm assuming...

MetalReview: "Nevermore's official message board is pretty fucking chaotic and often so far left field of metal and music in general I have often wondered why the fuck you guys even keep it around. What are your thoughts on your forum?"

J.L.: "I don't even fuckin' read it. It's on there and it's just a bunch of people arguing and talking about the stupidest shit. One person writes in about something and 500 more will write in and tell their opinion about it. It's just something that's always been there and I can tell you that there is going to be a lot of changes to that as soon as the new album is released. The whole website's going to be redone."

old newz, dood.
>>> One person writes in about something and 500 more will write in and tell their opinion about it.

Isnt that the point of a message board?
face it... this place pretty much is a shithole. and nothing can ever be done to change that. I mean if you look at all of the forums on UM. they all have the same shit on em. their is maybe like 2 or 3 good threads then the rest are just jerking off pretty much. whatever keeps the masses satisfied. jeff is completely right
yeah I guess good was not the right word... I meant something that actually pertains to the band. but I am definately one who realizes (as I have been here since forever) that it has been almost three years since they have released an album so what do you expect people to talk about
How does he know about this forum if he never reads it? Next time I'll takl to him I'm gonna tell him not to have general opinions on something he doesn't know about.
People here can talk about whatever they want to, bandrelated or not. If he doesn't like that he should find somebody else to buy his records or better yet: become a teacher at a kindergarten so he can tell the kids what to do and what not to do...
I'm not sure if he came across a little stinkier than he actually meant to be...
NoLordy doesn't take well to insults, so he isn't pleased with Loomis. Why shouldn't we be able to write about radom shit?

Some of the funniest/coolest things I have ever read came from this board. If he thinks allowing us to only speak about music and band related shit is going to improve things, he can take Nevermore and fuck himself, I'm not fuming at Warrel, or Jim, or Van, but WHAT THE FLYING FUCK IS WRONG WITH CHAOS? I'm sorry, but I don't like when people get too haughty for their own good and try to change shit to suit their personal needs, like In Flames did, I still hang my head in shame for the stupidity of Anders Friden and his personal bitch Frederik Kreem...

I'll cool off, probably, but it doesn't matter, not like anyone reads what I say anyway.
PostScript: I was informed by a reliable source that people might actually take some things I say into consideration, perhaps I might even be "missed" if I were to log out permanently (That doesn't mean I am), is this true?
Lord of Metal said:
Jeff's amazing ability to still look 16. I mean, what did he look like when he was 16? A fetus?

no no no,he looked likes that kid from the Brady Bunch.The one who always said "This family is wacky" Barney Fife.

Jeff is gonna kill the forum PHHHH
One person writes in about something and 500 more will write in and tell their opinion about it. It's just something that's always been there and I can tell you that there is going to be a lot of changes to that as soon as the new album is released. The whole website's going to be redone." Jeff Loomis

As stated before, isn't that the point of the forum to have replies. There's forums and chat boards all over the internet. I guess there all stupid? Huh. Mr.Loomis should be lucky that people do take a vested interest in NEVERMORE. Yes, I agree not all threads are about NEVERMORE, but almost all have to deal with the "metal/hard rock community" and the interests of Metal fans. It's a place were info can be shared and people can have fun. Like I said, some people need to lighten up and not take life so seriously. As for the changes to the website, I'll accept them whatever they may be. WELCOME TO THE FALL.
As I see it, Jeff knows shit about technology and holding conversations with people that don't have instant messengers, and only log on through message boards. So, my hat is off to Jeff for wanting to ruin our fun. Hopefully Warrel puts his foot down about it. If you think back to the juney/dumpey days... he responded to one of the threads and laughed. So Jeff can take his anti-fun and shove it up his ass, because apparently Warrel likes it.