Jeff Loomis Solo Album - Update

  • Thread starter Guru - Too Lazy To Log In
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Guru - Too Lazy To Log In

Justin Donnelly of The Metal Forge recently conducted an interview with NEVERMORE guitarist Jeff Loomis:

On his upcoming solo album:
"I plan on recording the album around January. It's something that I've always wanted to do my whole life. Everybody is always asking me when I plan to put out a solo album, and now there are definite plans! (Laughs) My album is pretty much going to consist of instrumental kind of stuff. There won't be any vocals on there. It's going to be purely shred kind of stuff. I have already lined up Neil Kernon as the producer. NEVERMORE used him for 'Dreaming Neon Black' (which was released in 1999). I work very well with him in the studio. We've been buddies for such a long time. He knows how I work, and I know how he works, and it's good to know and work with people like that."
On musicians that he will use on the solo album:
"I wish I could give you names, but unfortunately I haven't signed a contract with the guy that's going to be playing drums on the album. All I can tell you is that he's one of the best drummers in the world. That's all I can say! (Laughs) I had a lot of names in mind when I was thinking about drummers for the album, but when it comes to drum gods, I really only have one favourite. I'm a drummer myself. I started off on drums when I was very young. I love to watch drummers more than I do guitar players! (Laughs) So the choice was very easy for me, and fortunately, the guy that I asked said yes immediately. That's all I can say. He's fucking phenomenal. That's all I'm going to say! (Laughs) He's a goddamn genius. I can't wait to release this album."


So whos it gonna be ....

Honestly my guess is Mike Portnoy, They did GIgantour together and i know for a fact that Mike loves Jeffs playing. Dont be surprised if you see a petrucci solo ro 2 on there aswell ..... ;)
so jeff plays drums. I want to hear a drum duel between him and Van on the next NVM tour. But if jeff's records in january, the nvm headlining tour for 07 for the US will be further postponed.
I can't wait to hear this
I thought Christi aswell, but you never know ...

Hoglan would be sweet aswell..... Just something in my gut says portnoy. Jeffs album is going to be very very cacophony'esq. Hes going to need a drummer that can play the "weird" shit ....

Atma Anur is another possibility just caus hes playing on the Esenness album with steve, but i think portnoy is going to be the one.....

Besides jeff mentioned a "contract" portnoy is all about the "business" side of things.