
New Metal Member
May 31, 2010
Hello all,
On my old mp3 i had song called Frozen from Dark Tranquillity that came in torrent,i cant seem to find that song there any DT fan who knows from wot album/demo/smthin is that song,it seems to be very hard to get?what song is it??i believe that the song is not written by them,but it sounds great.any info is good
Thank you :)
It is not a song recorded by Dark Tranquillity. If I remember it correctly, it was from some band that was recording their album at the same time with DT in Studio Fredman and Stanne did some backing vocals for them. Someone just mislabeled the mp3.

Thank you for info,i checked the song but thats not it.All i can add is that i am 100 % sure that that song is played by is Stanne's voice (growl not clean),it sounds like them,it is them.the song has acoustic beggining for about 1 min,it sounds like hhhm dunno Lethe.....
It's by Nightrage. BTW Tomas Lindberg of At The Gates does vocals on that song.

EDIT: It's off of the Descend Into Chaos album