FUCK APPLE / could use some help

J the TyranT

Thats just how it is...
Dec 14, 2001
My piece of shit powermac g5 I bought 2 yrs ago.... the "logic" board shit itself.

The Mac is out of warranty... and the apple store says its gonna run me $934 that I DONT have...

Looks like now Im -definitely- selling the Gibson.

Anybody know of its possible to buy a new board and swap it out or anything like that?

The hits just keep fucking coming...

That's an unlikely occurance. I've had 4 macs and they all still run fine (even my 10 year old b rev iMac). Hopefully you have better luck once it's fixed
Bitch to Apple on the phone, ask to speak to managers, threaten to blog about it. Use Blogger.com if you need a free host and submit your story to Digg.com once it's up. Apple HATES bad press and will go out of their way to help you to avoid it. I've seen it happen anyway, best of luck!
Man, that is odd. I have tons of old Macs that to this day never even hiccupped (IIE, 128k, 512k, Performa, PowerPC, G3, G4). I'd say your best bet is to snag a new comp used for that price - or like others mentioned - just esculate phone calls to Apple.
Bitch to Apple on the phone, ask to speak to managers, threaten to blog about it. Use Blogger.com if you need a free host and submit your story to Digg.com once it's up. Apple HATES bad press and will go out of their way to help you to avoid it. I've seen it happen anyway, best of luck!

Wow, that never would have occurred to me, but I guess it makes sense in keeping with their elitist "we're bulletproof" marketing angle - so use it against 'em! :D
i am a tech support agent for apple... please dont call and bitch at me lol

you may be eligible for an open capture if your computer was purchased less than three years ago. call in!!!

if it is less than 3 years old, you should have purchased the protection plan, you would be good to go

if it is over 3 years, your really kinda out of luck, sorry and i am really sorry, but these things do happen unfortunately.
Wow, that never would have occurred to me, but I guess it makes sense in keeping with their elitist "we're bulletproof" marketing angle - so use it against 'em! :D

Youd be surprised how far some companies will go to protect their image. A friend of mines dad had this rolls royce that all of a sudden the transmission went on it and so he called them up and got them to send him a replacement and he would do the installation himself. anyways the sent it and said that they would send him the bill in the post.

Soon afterwards the replacement came through some special delivary company but there was no bill. months passed by and no bill showed up and he wasnt getting heckled by rolls royce so he was a bit surprised. Being a stand up guy he called them up to inform them of their mistake. The guy at rolls royce then said to him that he must have made a mistake because the transimissions on rolls royce vehicles dont break down.:lol:
Youd be surprised how far some companies will go to protect their image. A friend of mines dad had this rolls royce that all of a sudden the transmission went on it and so he called them up and got them to send him a replacement and he would do the installation himself. anyways the sent it and said that they would send him the bill in the post.

Soon afterwards the replacement came through some special delivary company but there was no bill. months passed by and no bill showed up and he wasnt getting heckled by rolls royce so he was a bit surprised. Being a stand up guy he called them up to inform them of their mistake. The guy at rolls royce then said to him that he must have made a mistake because the transimissions on rolls royce vehicles dont break down.:lol:

With a car like that, the transmission better not blow up. :OMG:
Soon afterwards the replacement came through some special delivary company but there was no bill. months passed by and no bill showed up and he wasnt getting heckled by rolls royce so he was a bit surprised. Being a stand up guy he called them up to inform them of their mistake. The guy at rolls royce then said to him that he must have made a mistake because the transimissions on rolls royce vehicles dont break down.:lol:

Muahahah great story!!! ;)
"he must have made a mistake because the transimissions on rolls royce vehicles dont break down"

seems I can get a new board for about 500 bucks online... thats a noticable difference from 900....

Anybody know whether its an easy thing to swap on out?

Ive already called customer care and complained to three different people for 30 mins... I dunno who the hell else Im supposed to bitch at, honestly.

When my PS2 broke years ago... I bitched at Sony, and they fixed it... despite it being out of warranty.

This is bullshit. Thanks though, guys.
I wonder if something could have caused it, like a power surge or something?

Its plugged in through a pretty badass protector... PLUS, thats not the case... I was home.

It happened Sunday. At 5pm it worked.... I walked away, ate dinner, watched TV, who knows... then around 9pm I went to use it again and it was powered off......

Pile of shit. Massive aluminum paperweight fucking thing.
so, "fuck apple" because you didn't buy the extended warranty? i always buy the extended warranty, and i've had several macs over the years and never even had to use it... never had a motherboard die.... but hey, you had a year's coverage, which is all you get for ANY computer on the market unless you buy an extended warranty... and apple always asks if you want it. your choice, your bad... so fuck your bad judgement. or lack of funds at the time. or whatever. but "fuck apple"? hardly.

my powerbook g4 died completely, first the screen and then the drive, after nearly 5 years of constant use, at home and abroad... even dropped it one time about 3 years ago in sweden on to a hard floor from about 5 ft in the air... and it only just recently died. and it was TOTALLY out of warranty, even the extended one (apple care) that i had on it... apple still fixed everything that was wrong with it and it's as good as new now, for $320. try to get another company to do that.

you can't expect any company to just give you unending warranty... equipment failure after two years is unfortunate, and not at all consistent with my experiences with apple over the years... but they can't just assume, on good faith and your word, that after two years any failure is their fault. no company that manufactures anything will do that.
I'd take it to a local shop and have them test the power supply. They might charge you like 10 bucks, but they probably have a tester and they can test it in 5 minutes. It's about $50 bucks for a new power supply.