FUCK APPLE / could use some help

Its not the PSU.

And yeah, fuck this apple. A logic board shitting out after normal use in 2 yrs is ridiculous.

Then again, when I asked people if they knew of a fix, what I REALLY needed what some James Murphy negativity injections.

If I had your budget, I'd buy another one without issue, but since I dont, 900 bucks basically blows for me right now.

Did you have anything constructive to add or did you just feel like ranting and raving on apple's behalf? Cuz regardless, Im the one who's assed the fuck out of what's basically lame, no matter how you slice it.

And companies honor plenty of shit out of warranty. I worked for Harley Davidson... we took plenty of shit in for issues that shouldnt've arisen.

My word? How about the Apple Store where I brought it's word? They checked it... even they think its lame as fuck.

Everybody else:

Thanks for your replies. Some of those are good suggestions Ill try out.
lol.. w/e tyrant... i don't think i "attacked' you.... i think i offered good advice for the future: buy extended warranties. Get upset if you want. i never claimed to have the answer to your problem currently, just how to avoid it in the future... and sometimes that's all you can hope for. FTR, Apple and other tech companies have, on occasion, replaced or repaired out of warranty products for me, but they weren't obligated to. i just made nice with the techs and/or managers and more often than not they opt to exercise whatever discretionary power they have in my behalf. maybe you irked the tech a bit, or maybe the manager just simply has no discretionary power in respect to OOW motherboards. Either way, my advice stands and is positive and helpful in nature... buy extended warranties. i'm sure Harley Davidson salespeople make the same pitch to their customers regarding warranties. Any "negativity" you sensed in my reply was dictated and shaped by the tone and tenor of your posts... you're the one going off on "fuck them" and "piece of shit" and all that. it's like coughing in a quiet movie theater and then getting mad about the noise caused by all the sympathetic coughing that ensues. Piss into the wind if you want... just don't snap at me when i tell you that your clothes smell like pee.
Haha... I had a Bud buy a BRAND NEW G5 when they first came out. I told him grab that extended warranty. He didn't, instead he bought some lame ass third party memory and installed it two weeks ater he got the G5....... :lol: Yep! His brand new G5 became one of the heaviest paper weights I've ever seen!!! BWWWaaaaaahahahahaahaa.

The extended warranty is expensive, but well worth it. My 20" cinema had wierd lines showing on it every time I started my Mac up, after the 1-year warranty expired. I told Apple, and sent it in and got a brand new one. no questions asked. I have the extended warranty. Hated spending that extra $$$ at the time, but I'm glad I did.:loco:

Good luck Dude, honestly all the screaming in the World won't have Apple asking to fix your computer!
Guess Im used to the auto world, where extended warranties are basically another scam unto themselves.

Regardless, I wasnt an ass to the people on the phone. I was annoyed about the issue, but, told them what it was and why I thought it was ridiculous.

They all seemed alright for the most part... and the dude at the apple store was like: "Man that blows, sorry dude" etc... whatever.

Ill figure it out.

The main reason I never thought to buy any extra plans was due to the fact a friend of mine had worked for Apple for about 6 - 7 yrs and got me this mac using his employee discount... so I didnt think to add anything else, etc etc. BUT, he no longer works for apple... so, that just sucks.
One problem I have is that I think you told me once that a friend of yours quit recording and gave you the G5, amongst the other things like a 002 and whatever else. So...did you buy it two years ago as you say now - or did your friend give it to you as you said a long time ago?

I bought this G5 in feb of 06.

My friend game me the digi002, the krk's, and some other shit.. some mics, etc.
Hate to side with any anti-Apple sentiments, because I generally believe in what they are doing, but I have to say that at the premium price Apple charges for its desktops, a longer complimentary warranty should be in order, and Apple should take enough pride in the quality control of its manufacturers to offer this. They deserve any bad press they get on this end IMO.

I love Apple, especially for Mac OS X, but they make as many mistakes as they make headlines.
I had a G5 Dual 2.0 a coupla years ago.

Same thing happened... logic board blew. Luckily, it was only a few weeks after buying it so it was still covered. Apple fixed it, but the techs didn't know what actually caused it.

The tech told me it was actually quite common... so I sold it before anything else happened!

I've always bought Apple, since my first in 1992 - I've had 8 in all. The best one I had was actually a Umax S900 clone with a Sonnet G3 card - no problems at all with that one. Never again will I shell out so much money for a computer.
if you wanted to buy a computer with such excellent quality control that not 1 of the thousands produced will have some software, or hardware fault, then it would cost at least a million bucks per computer

FTR apple`s quality control is waaaay better than the "other" guys
Actually, depending on how your current box is built you may be able to Hackintosh what you already have.


Yeah, it's not magic. They've got working graphical installers etc. already. The most critical part is often your gfx card, which might not have QE/CI support. Istalling OS X on a PC is something pretty much anyone can do, but it often requires a fair amount of fiddling around to make it run smooth.