Fuck hiccups


Jan 10, 2005
It doesn't happen often, but when it does it lasts for at least one hour, a couple of times I have had them for close to 2. Shit sucks.

Anyone else? Remedies? I've tried a lot of things but I'm curious to hear other people's ideas.
I've heard Tums or any other antacid may help. I haven't had a chance to try it out since I haven't had a cause of epics hiccups for over a year :lol:
this sounds dumb because I know what the cause of hiccups are ...

however ...

my wife made me drink from a glass of water but from the opposite side of the glass

they went away ... EVERY time
she doesn't have to make me

The 30-Second hiccup cure

For overall best results, please try to do the steps as quickly as you can and try very hard not to let any air out.

Step 1: Start by inhaling through your mouth until your lungs feel full (when it feels like you cannot inhale any more.... your lungs will basically stop taking in air).

Step 2: Swallow. You are not really swallowing anything but it seems that without this act, it doesn’t work. Do not let any air out.

Step 3: Now inhale some more until your lungs feel full again. You may not be able to inhale a lot, but do get some more air in. It will start to get difficult to do this as you go, but keep trying. You obviously can’t suck in as much air as you did initially, but just a little will do (think of it as taking a “sip” of air but directly into your lungs).

Step 4: Swallow again. This too will start to get difficult as you go. Do not let any air out.

Step 5: Repeat steps 3 and 4 (inhale and swallow) until you cannot swallow again. While it seems you can almost always suck in just a little more air, it is actually the swallowing that gets to be impossible. When you feel like you cannot swallow again, swallow again anyway. It will be hard to do, your face will probably turn red, and you may make squeaking sounds. But you CAN swallow one last time. By this time, your lungs should also be quite full and it should be difficult to get much more air in as well. While you should try not to let any air out, if you have really repeated steps 3 and 4 as many times as you can, you probably will end up letting a little air out before you can take that last swallow. If you find that air keeps escaping out of your nose even early in the process, try squeezing it shut with your fingers.

Step 6: Exhale.

Goooooogle! :p
Yea, I have to agree. It sounds weird. Never tried it by myself, so I can't tell if you can survive it or not. :lol:
Better don't try this at home!
1. Inhale and hold your breath - it works because as oxygen binds to carbon, the reaction produces carbon dioxide which occupies more space than just oxygen, so your lungs will expand like baloons and press against your stomach and force the stuck gas out (1st method taught by my granma in my childhood).

2. Drink as much water as you can, the water will push the gas out (2nd method taught by my granma in my childhood).

3. Learn how to contract your abdomen muscles to actually squeeze your stomach enough to force the gas out (this is my current and best method - no more problems with hiccups).
upside down water trick usually sorts it for me

I had tried many things until someone told me this and none of them worked, except this. Don't wait too long before you do it, though, or it might not work. Once that's exactly what happened - I went for a stroll with my girlfriend and started having hiccups, by the time I bought some water some time had past so it had no effect. This continued for an hour and a half and not only were the hiccups super strong and irritating but I also generally felt embarrassed, because I'd hiccup loud just as someone was about to pass by. Really annoying stuff. Thankfully in every other instance this trick works for me.
I always just pound water till I feel that "holly shit full of water" feeling, but when I stop I don't swallow (which is fucking hard to do) for about 30 seconds.

This is my rememdy.

And hiccups are the worst fucking thing, they serve no fucking purpose. What a fucking stupid thing for a body to do.