

Went Out for Smokes 13 Years Ago
Jul 19, 2004
south of washington
so, pelican start their (free) show at amoeba in 5 minutes, and i'm not there because i don't have a car and my deadbeat friend backed out on me at the last second. this after sitting at home staring at the wall for the last 8 and a half hours. oh sweet jesus am i fucking pathetic.
kill yourself.

either that or strip down to your skivvies, crank up the rollins band, and make plans on going out for a burrito. that's what all the cool people* are doing.

*just me, and i'm not cool
Demonspell said:
Oh man that sucks, give that so-called friend a nice hard slap between the eyes in our honor...are pelican doing any other in-stores?
i dunno, possibly...i only heard about this one through a guy i work with