How long does it take you to rip a CD to MP3?

Chapel Hill? Eh, you're something like 2 or 3 hours from me i think... i live in the Rockingham area. Blah, i dislike Nascar.
I'll watch a race on tv every now and then, but by no means do I follow it or consider myself a fan. I see no reason to loath it like some people do, though. It makes good background viewing material for a Sunday afternoon.
@ DINKs. Yeah, heard it. Was one for a few years. I ruled. Now, I don't. Living a childless life sounds like pure misery in the later years though. The sacrifice is worth it. So I don't drive a new BMW. Oh well, at least I'll have a reason to go to high school football games when I'm 55.....and stare at teenage girls.
Taxi drivers too. I don't know -- they work 20 hours a day, live in the armpit of the Bronx, thrive on food stamps, eat rats.
Nah they just moonlight as taxi drivers, they all have promising careers outside the transportation industry. Just ask James Burrows.

And you get to live in a one bedroom studio for $2500 per month! You know what they say: location, location, location.
Haha, how much do they go for really?!?! :ill:

Only non-whites. :loco:

Praise Ali!!!
I'll watch a race on tv every now and then, but by no means do I follow it or consider myself a fan. I see no reason to loath it like some people do, though. It makes good background viewing material for a Sunday afternoon.

I don't loathe it either, but i'd never watch it willingly. Then again i rarely watch tv as it is. I listen to music for background and foreground entertainment :D Also d/l some anime whenever a new episode comes out or play a game.
The logic being that you really only pay for your apartment to sleep in. Living in NYC is all about staying out, eating out, hanging out. Of course, there's also no need for a car since (a) you'd never drive it, (b) you'd never park it, and (c) people who live in NYC never EVER want to leave NYC.

No matter where NYC folks are in the world, they will always refer to NYC as "the city".
The city sounds like shit (No Offense). If I were to pay that exorbitant amount of money, which would probably be every free dime I could muster, I would want it to be more than an 8x by 10X room with a polyester partition seperating myself from my roomies hairy man ass. Fuck that! When I think of New York, I think of Los Angeles (cubed). Just substitute the Wetbacks from Jalisco for the Elians from Puerto Rico. Swap the jap for the wop. Exchange the filthy negar for the filthier negar and add a Jihad warrior to boot!

But back to the price, how the fuck do you afford food?!?!
my dad makes $30 an hour lol and i make $10 :erk:

I paid $27 for 45 minutes parking in Manhattan yesterday ... yay

But back to the price, how the fuck do you afford food?!?!

hahah ... at my last job, there was this kid that used to "charge" his rent ...

man ... I am just out looking to buy an apartment ... and things are grim ... $400K for about 700sq/ft ... and this is in the boroughs.

here is a link to some fun rent prices in Manhattan ... come one come all :loco:

manhattan all apartments classifieds - craigslist
My parents paid $525,000 for this 3400sq/ft house, and of course the fully finished basement is not included in that.

I guess my family probably has a combined income of around $100,000/yr. This year they spent $50,000 renovating the kitchen. It's really nice, I should take pics :loco:

Sounds like our well-to-do lifestyle up here wouldn't last a month in "the city"
is that Canadian $'s?

still for $50K, that must be an awesome kitchen ... take some pics.
my dad makes $30 an hour lol and i make $10 :erk:

haha, I make more than you (per hour) at my studentish job over here... downside I get about 14 hours a week :/ Only work tonight this week, still going to make $50 bucks :P

Hope I can get a real job soon though.

"all ripped at 192K which is CD quality."
Not true. 320kbps isn't even cd quality.

I can't tell the difference between 192K and 320K and a CD. Well, at least when I rip them myself I can't. As mentioned, I can hear the difference in some downloaded mp3s, sometimes, and not much. Mostly it's little squeeks and warbles in the music from corruption. Thats it.

And fuck New York, at that price I'd rather live somewhere else, get paid half as much and still come out a million miles ahead. Not to mention too many people... ugh.
I paid $27 for 45 minutes parking in Manhattan yesterday ... yay

haha, I actually got angry the other night when I had to pay $2 to park for a hockey game. I said to myself, "goddam it! I should've just walked!" heh two dollars
Really? Can you hear the difference between 192K and 320K? So should I start ripping at 320K?

There have been numerous "studies" which showed that there is quite a difference between 320kbps and 192kps. However, some cruxial factors must be taken into considaration:

1) The output material: You won't be able to tell the difference btw 192 and 320 with cheap-ass speakers. Also, I would say that you won't be able to hear the different unless the volume is reasonably high.

2) hard drive space: calculate 75mo for a 192kbps rip and 100mo+ for 320kbps

3) Battery span: The higher the quality, the more power you need. If you have an Ipod which battery life is less than 10 hours, think twice before encoding in 320.