
dorian gray said:
no, but capitalism allows the impoverished to rise above being born into poverty.
Oh come on man, next thing you're going to say is everyone born in the US can become the President some day. :loco:
This thread cracks me up. I can see both sides. I kind of agree with dorian, in that:
a) when there is a "world" issue, why is the US always called upon to provide assistance? don't we have enough issues within our own borders? Why am I paying taxes so some starving bushman in Nigeria can get a bowl of rice? Don't we have starving people here?
b) taxpayer's should not have to shoulder the burden of free loaders. That's just fucked up. My wife has to pay back school loans, and yet some mofos get free schooling because they were more poor? WTF is that?

Dorian, it's me that is unemployed right now. Laid off due to greed and the "bottom line". And yeah, I'm on unemployment right now, but that's money that I put in to the system while I was working.

About immigration, just close the fucking borders. Fuck that Bring us your huddled masses or whatever. These aliens need to learn to read the signs: NO FUCKING VACANCY!

I swear, the US just needs to become secluded. Bring everything home and shut the borders. Maybe then we'll start fixing our own problems.
cthulufhtagn said:
humanity is by and large the most vile plague this world has ever belched forth and trying to change things for the better is like trying to stop a tsunami with an umbrella
i agree from a health care standpoint that condoms would be much more effective. i'm just saying people should take some repsonsibility. just a philosophy.

and i agree with the above quotation wholeheartedly.

ps: don't worry about grudges. remember that at one point, you were my favorite member in all of ultimatemetal
dorian gray said:
look, like the old rush song, "we need someone to talk to and someone to sweep the floors". we're always gonna need people to do menial tasks. that's just the way it is now that we are waaaaayyy beyond the farming, hunting and gathering stage. there's nothing inherently wrong with sweeping a floor for a living. i just think, if you have the means, try to get a higher paying job, if it exists. if you're not smart enough or capable enough, then oh well. it's not the end of the world. so you can't buy that new ferrari. so what?
agreed, but it's not a problem when you have a steady income and are able to support yourself. those people are not the ones with the real problem. and it's when the question of capability lies within circumstances outside one's control, or in getting by possible past mistakes to make a new start, when people should have some help. the government has a responsibility to its citizens, and each of the people who support that government must play their part.
J. said:
b) taxpayer's should not have to shoulder the burden of free loaders. That's just fucked up. My wife has to pay back school loans, and yet some mofos get free schooling because they were more poor? WTF is that?
fucking exactly. i remember when my mom told me i'd be paying for my own college because they didn't have the money to pay for it yet my dad made just barely too much to qualify for grants. that seemed to sum it up for me ever since.

another favorite: scholarships based on "minority" status. give me a break.

on unemployment: i got you guys confused because you both have orange in your avatars. me = observant.
J. said:
don't we have enough issues within our own borders?

Doesn't every country have their own problems?

My naive take on it: Erase all the depts, then let everyone fend for themselves. Let's just be completely fucking done with the whole fucking thing.
cthulufhtagn said:
and it's when the question of capability lies within circumstances outside one's control, or in getting by possible past mistakes to make a new start, when people should have some help.
interesting. like what?

semi-off-topic: this is not my personal philosophy but wouldn't it better for the human species in the long run if people who were starving...well, starved? and those who commit crimes are executed? and on and on. isn't it ultimately "good" if there are less people on the earth using up its resources? not only that, isn't it evolutionarliy pragmatic that only the "best" survive? i mean, what "good" does it do to have people with hereditary diseases around? cystic fibrosis? why not just eradicate it? interesting but not practical. just a thought.
i say we take every UM member in a rocket and start a colony on mars. then we build an army of warrior robots to destroy the earth and live out the rest of our days in peaceful metallic serenity.
Crimson Velvet said:
My naive take on it: Erase all the depts, then let everyone fend for themselves. Let's just be completely fucking done with the whole fucking thing.
like i said in another post: "erasing" debt is a political term. debts don't get erased, they get dumped on someone else. namely, *you*. and your children and grandchildren. you guys will be paying for africa and iraq for years to come. you *should* be kinda pissed.
cthulufhtagn said:
i say we take every UM member in a rocket and start a colony on mars. then we build an army of warrior robots to destroy the earth and live out the rest of our days in peaceful metallic serenity.
Jesus christ is that supposed to make a BETTER life?!

I'd rather deal with Bush and Cheney than the GMD, Opeth, and CoB forums put together.
dorian gray said:
interesting. like what?
where people don't have insurance maybe, and their house burns down with everything in it. or they marry a guy who turns out to be an abuser and they have no choice but to strike out on their own. i dunno, just examples.
dorian gray said:
semi-off-topic: this is not my personal philosophy but wouldn't it better for the human species in the long run if people who were starving...well, starved? and those who commit crimes are executed? and on and on. isn't it ultimately "good" if there are less people on the earth using up its resources? not only that, isn't it evolutionarliy pragmatic that only the "best" survive? i mean, what "good" does it do to have people with hereditary diseases around? cystic fibrosis? why not just eradicate it? interesting but not practical. just a thought.
a little helping of social darwinism there, heh. technically yea, it's in our evolutionary interest to eliminate weak links, but you start getting into a little morality conflict there. *segue into argument over whether one can have a true system of morality without belief in a higher power*
cthulufhtagn said:
i say we take every UM member in a rocket and start a colony on mars. then we build an army of warrior robots to destroy the earth and live out the rest of our days in peaceful metallic serenity.
fortunately, akerfeldt is a member.
One Inch Man said:
Jesus christ is that supposed to make a BETTER life?!

I'd rather deal with Bush and Cheney than the GMD, Opeth, and CoB forums put together.
:lol: true, except there are still a few opeth regulars i like and respect
dorian gray said:
like i said in another post: "erasing" debt is a political term. debts don't get erased, they get dumped on someone else. namely, *you*. and your children and grandchildren. you guys will be paying for africa and iraq for years to come. you *should* be kinda pissed.

Hence the term "naive". It would be nice, though, if it wasn't as you said, and the governments just agreed to "forget" the money. But, unfortunately for us and the rest of the world, capitalism has been allowed to run rampart for too long, and now it's indoctrinated in the system.
dorian gray said:
another favorite: scholarships based on "minority" status. give me a break.

This pisses me off as well. I was offered "special treatment" because im Cherokee from certain colleges (ie: getting housing over other students, some money, various other things) and I requested that they didn't treat me any differently. Fuck off to that shit.