
dorian gray said:
attention citizens of north korea: instead of complaining about getting in trouble for reading western print sources why don't you cease the illegal activity, lobby for legal reform, and then resume the activity after you go through the proper channels?
what a fucking ridiculous statement. if the government outlawed alcohol would you stop drinking it? fuck that. i like smoking and of course i want to see it decriminalized, but do you really expect lobbying the american government for legalizing a (oh lord no) drug will work? let's ask for free government-subsidized hookers for everyone while we're at it, you dipshit.
and let me get this straight, you're against african debt relief, then you call the continent of africa an unproductive culture? how the fuck are they supposed to improve the quality of life when all their money goes to paying off debts!? do you even think before you open your mouth!? if it was intended as a racist comment, it all suddenly becomes clear :Smug:
I'm really pleased with all the debt forgiving happening right now. I also find it appalling that ANYONE has to pay for health care, it's ridiculous! Especially in a country like the US which has so much stinking money that most people don't even know what to do with it. But the poor have to stay poor, and sick, and outcast, and hopeless, and anything else as long as the rich don't ever have to look at them.

But then again, I'm a commie. :loco:
yeah i know, i'm a commie too compared to most people around here :Smug:

i understand that when people without insurance go to the hospital it costs taxpayer money, etc etc, but the point is we have to stop the *source* of immigration, i.e. instead of building walls and increasing patrols we have to improve living conditions around the world so people aren't constantly fleeing from extreme poverty and oppression and genocide....but that won't happen, instead we have, in lewis black's words, republican foghorn leghorn and democrat dickhead fuckhead, arguing about how many billions to spend on giant lasers to shoot down missiles from outer space. i think that speaks for itself.

it's times like these that xasthur's lyrics really speak to me :tickled:
So the US forgave the billions that Africa owes the US? How about the US forgive my measly $300,000 debt and pay for my health insurance? Seems fair.
cthulufhtagn said:
what a fucking ridiculous statement. if the government outlawed alcohol would you stop drinking it? fuck that. i like smoking and of course i want to see it decriminalized, but do you really expect lobbying the american government for legalizing a (oh lord no) drug will work? let's ask for free government-subsidized hookers for everyone while we're at it, you dipshit.
haha! jeez! ruthless. yeah, so my point was that people (you) stop bitching about getting in trouble for drug usage and do something about it. what exactly is wrong with accountability and responsibility?
cthulufhtagn said:
and let me get this straight, you're against african debt relief, then you call the continent of africa an unproductive culture? how the fuck are they supposed to improve the quality of life when all their money goes to paying off debts!? do you even think before you open your mouth!? if it was intended as a racist comment, it all suddenly becomes clear :Smug:
i'm against african debt relief for a couple of good reasons: 1) contrary to everyone's opinion, the US is absolutely broke. 2) Africa is indeed an unproductive country. exactly *what* has your average African country done in the past 25 years aside from provide the world with a poster child for AIDS, corruption, squalor, famine, and destruction of the environment? what exactly do you think african nations are going to provide for themselves and the rest of the world now that their debt had been relieved? what is so honorable about letting other nations relieve you of your debt? how is that a symbol of character and national pride? how is that a precursor to becoming a productive nation?

your lack of real world experience is demonstrated by your assumption that the debt is simply erased. hahaha! do you think that money just simply vanishes? no, dude. those moneys (which were loans based on loans based on loans) were provided by *taxpayers* of which you apparently are not one.
when you start paying $20,000 in taxes a year, you will see such things a bit differently.

and i'm not racist. i hate everybody.
dorian gray said:
haha! jeez! ruthless. yeah, so my point was that people (you) stop bitching about getting in trouble for drug usage and do something about it. what exactly is wrong with accountability and responsibility?
yeah ok sorry, i was kinda edgy that day, but i have a point. people throw around words like accountability and responsibility to blanket the legitimate concerns of those facing adverse conditions, but telling us essentially that it is we who are the problem is absurd. what, you're poor? tough shit, whatever happened to personal responsibility, never mind that you're already working two jobs to put food on the table? what, you're persecuted for smoking weed? tough shit, whatever happened to personal accountability, never mind that the laws are based on prejudices and studies have proven marijuana to be less addictive than tobacco and less potentially hazardous than alcohol, and it poses no threat to others around you? the war on drugs is wasting my and your tax dollars on ineffective programs and draconian penalties for harmless, recreational drug use. do i think crack should be legalized? no, of course not, it's incredibly dangerous. but weed? come on, we have a right to complain because the current situation is ridiculous. the puppets may be on left or right hands, but the people holding them aren't going to bow even to popular pressure. and popular pressure is not something that we smokers have going for us in the first place.
dorian gray said:
when you start paying $20,000 in taxes a year, you will see such things a bit differently.
I disagree, I paid around $12k in taxes last year and am more of a spend happy lefty commie than ever before. :loco:
cthulufhtagn said:
i understand that when people without insurance go to the hospital it costs taxpayer money, etc etc, but the point is we have to stop the *source* of immigration....
why is that our responsibility? maybe that's what *you* want to do but it should not be assumed that all 300 million americans feel the same way - which is what politicians do when they fork over billions of dollars in foreign aid (not to mention the billion a day to that shithole of the world - iraq). hey man, if you wanna help the rest of the world, do it. give money away or go work for the peace corps.
dorian gray said:
i'm against african debt relief for a couple of good reasons: 1) contrary to everyone's opinion, the US is absolutely broke. 2) Africa is indeed an unproductive country. exactly *what* has your average African country done in the past 25 years aside from provide the world with a poster child for AIDS, corruption, squalor, famine, and destruction of the environment? what exactly do you think african nations are going to provide for themselves and the rest of the world now that their debt had been relieved? what is so honorable about letting other nations relieve you of your debt? how is that a symbol of character and national pride? how is that a precursor to becoming a productive nation?

your lack of real world experience is demonstrated by your assumption that the debt is simply erased. hahaha! do you think that money just simply vanishes? no, dude. those moneys (which were loans based on loans based on loans) were provided by *taxpayers* of which you apparently are not one.
when you start paying $20,000 in taxes a year, you will see such things a bit differently.

and i'm not racist. i hate everybody.
1) i pay taxes
2) nowhere can it be discerned from my post that i believe the debt is "simply erased"
3) "exactly *what* has your average African country done in the past 25 years aside from provide the world with a poster child for AIDS, corruption, squalor, famine, and destruction of the environment?" gee, with so many things going for them how could they not? most african countries achieved their independence less than 100 years ago, some in the much more recent future. and do you think, when the european colonists left, that they made sure to have a stable, peaceful, democratic government in place? the continent of africa: europeans broke it, but until we fix it it will continue to be our problem, one gigantic blast furnace of humanitarian crises, one after another.
dorian gray said:
why is that our responsibility? maybe that's what *you* want to do but it should not be assumed that all 300 million americans feel the same way - which is what politicians do when they fork over billions of dollars in foreign aid (not to mention the billion a day to that shithole of the world - iraq). hey man, if you wanna help the rest of the world, do it. give money away or go work for the peace corps.
i'm sorry, i don't follow. don't you agree immigration is a problem? all i'm saying is the way to stop immigration is not to ignore it! that only increases the problem! read the post!
One Inch Man said:
Especially in a country like the US which has so much stinking money that most people don't even know what to do with it. But the poor have to stay poor, and sick, and outcast, and hopeless, and anything else as long as the rich don't ever have to look at them.
completely incorrect and i'm surprised you would think this. have you looked at our current economic situation? for god's sake dude, america is completely broke. just because we have a bunch of *stuff* doesn't mean we are rich. it means we are in debt.
your statement on the poor is your opinion - do something about it. it's simply not right to assume american as a whole are called upon to take care of "poor, and sick, and outcast, and hopeless". i ask again, why can't people be more responsible? why do my taxes have to pay for an able-bodied man to wander the streets in a drunken stupor all day and eventually make his way back to his free housing? then call the free ambulance and get his free health care? i don't understand it.
dorian gray said:
completely incorrect and i'm surprised you would think this. have you looked at our current economic situation? for god's sake dude, america is completely broke. just because we have a bunch of *stuff* doesn't mean we are rich. it means we are in debt.
your statement on the poor is your opinion - do something about it. it's simply not right to assume american as a whole are called upon to take care of "poor, and sick, and outcast, and hopeless". i ask again, why can't people be more responsible? why do my taxes have to pay for an able-bodied man to wander the streets in a drunken stupor all day and eventually make his way back to his free housing? then call the free ambulance and get his free health care? i don't understand it.
that's such a ridiculous, whitewashed, typically republican attitude--"all poor people are poor because they're lazy." seriously, if you have never been broke, living in the projects, with no job prospects, no food, and no future, you simply have no idea what it would be like in that situation. you're right, your tax dollars shouldn't pay for an able-bodied man to wander the streets in a drunken stupor, but they should go to help somebody working double shifts in a fast food restaurants trying to feed 2 kids while scraping together enough money to move out of their shithole single apartment in the ghetto. because that kind of shit should not happen in america.

and if you say "why is that my problem", it just goes to show the immensity of your greed. republicans disgust me.
cthulufhtagn said:
never mind that the laws are based on prejudices and studies have proven marijuana to be less addictive than tobacco and less potentially hazardous than alcohol, and it poses no threat to others around you? the war on drugs is wasting my and your tax dollars on ineffective programs and draconian penalties for harmless, recreational drug use.
i agree with you but i don't see you offering an explanation - just compaining....and providing excuses for people who have to work "two jobs". my dad worked 70 hours a week in a factory to raise his family. never compained. just did it. could he have worked less if he didn't choose to have three kids and a lazy wife? yep. he knew it was his fault so he didn't bitch. my grandfather began working at the age of 9. fucking 9, man. fought in the battle of the bulge. came home from the war and worked. two, three jobs. never fucking complained. at age 93 he still does some farm work. no college degree, no government assistance. never bitched about anything. there are people like that who would find it a slap in the face to get help from taxpayers and then there are lazy ass people who think they are *entitled*. if you havent met them yet, you will. there's nothing wrong with socialism and i'm not faulting you for it, i just don't think it works.
One Inch Man said:
I disagree, I paid around $12k in taxes last year and am more of a spend happy lefty commie than ever before. :loco:
haha! i thought you were unemployed?
dorian gray said:
haha! i thought you were unemployed?
Why because I'm pro-poor? I started working at 16 and haven't stopped, that was 9 years ago (EDIT: oh shit I mean 10, whoops :tickled: ). The more money I make the more I realize the system sucks and something should be done about it. The rich get richer and the poor are joined by more and more of their middle-class brethren every day. Eventually the upper 1% of America will completely rule the other 99%, if they don't already.
dorian gray said:
there are people like that who would find it a slap in the face to get help from taxpayers and then there are lazy ass people who think they are *entitled*. if you havent met them yet, you will. there's nothing wrong with socialism and i'm not faulting you for it, i just don't think it works.
oh i agree, there are plenty of people who deserve assistance and find it repugnant and plenty who don't who feel entitled. but there's no denying that poverty is a serious problem in america and while our plan to relieve it may be far from perfect, you seem to offer no proposal at all.
Efficiency and progress is ours once more
Now that we have the Neutron bomb
It's nice and quick and clean and gets things done
Away with excess enemy
But no less value to property
No sense in war but perfect sense at home:

The sun beams down on a brand new day
No more welfare tax to pay
Unsightly slums gone up in flashing light
Jobless millions whisked away
At last we have more room to play
All systems go to kill the poor tonight

Kill kill kill kill Kill the poor
Kill kill kill kill Kill the poor
Kill kill kill kill Kill the poor tonight

Behold the sparkle of champagne
The crime rate's gone
Feel free again
O' life's a dream with you, Miss Lily White
Jane Fonda on the screen today
Convinced the liberals it's okay
So let's get dressed and dance away the night

While they
Kill kill kill kill Kill the poor
Kill kill kill kill Kill the poor
Kill kill kill kill Kill the poor tonight