
Marksveld said:
Amsterdam is BEAUTIFUL, but far too many idiots go there so they stay inside some dank cafe and smoke weed. If you aren't going to walk around and see all of the amazings things that are indeed available to see, don't even go!
van gogh museum! so awesome, van gogh paintings are so much more alive in person, so much physical texture with the paint
I have little interest to ever visit Amsterdam, but if I did it would be for the museums and architecture. I mean if I was there yes, I would go to a coffeeshop, but it's not like I'm drawn to it. I had friends that centered their European trip around Amsterdam, which is why I never went with them. Fuckers didn't even go to England or Ireland or Germany WTF!!!!!
Yea, of course i walked around and saw all the cool stuff. But having cool stuff doesn't matter if your a wretched hive of scum and villany.
the girls on the bikes in Amsterdam were amazing though

i kinda didn't like amsterdam either, but i don't expect that would happen to america if pot were legalized...amsterdam is just so tourist-oriented because people come there for that purpose (and the hookers). also the hostel i was in was a dump so that might contribute to my somewhat negative view :erk:
hahahah ... i was looking for that photo ... yes .. there is a cock sculpture in the middle of the city
Anyone who thinks that legalizing drugs for common use or "tollerating" it or watever, won't change anything, or won't make life worse for the average dude, are HIGHLY mistaken, and need to visit amsterdame.

Then again, its all opinion i suppose, so my comment only semi-stands.
meh, drugs *should* be legal. and we should tax the FUCK out of them and we should also stop this bullshit that anyone can get free treatment in an emergency room. people could buy vials of coke at eckerd's or walgreen's for $300 ($50 for the coke itself and $250 in taxes) that would have a warning on them: "don't bother calling an ambulance or trying to drag your own worthless ass into a hospital when you fuck your heart and liver up. enjoy your drugs."
all the bitching could stop if we fucking stopped wasting taxpayer's money on bums who would rather do drugs than work. why - WHY is it so important to treat someone who has a drug or alcohol or overeating problem?
well, whatever. it'll never happen. no one will ever be held accountable for their own actions. Bush (read: the American taxpayer) just forgave $81 billion in debt to African countries. eightyonefuckingbillion, folks. Africa. Not a real productive culture there. Meanwhile, GM is going down the tubes because of skyrocketing health care costs, which are reflective of paying for everyone else's bad choices.
Will you marry me?

Now I would back that plan. That plan would effectively kill all drug users and put cartels out of business. BRILLIANT!

Yeah, and about free eemergency room treatment for illegal aliens, fucking ridiculous. WHy the hell am I paying for healthcare, again?
Ive been through the same thing man. I was actually booked about a year and a half ago for having an ounce on me though (fortuantely I wasnt charged with distribution). Drug laws in Maryland are pretty harsh, especially on harder drugs. You can be charged with manslaughter if you are caught possesing enough acid here.
J. said:
Yeah, and about free eemergency room treatment for illegal aliens, fucking ridiculous. WHy the hell am I paying for healthcare, again?
yeah, you like that? there is essentially NO reason for you to be paying for healthcare right now. my buddy, a fellow RN, have come to the conclusion that our non-paying patients have better health care than we do. we have to go through the proper channels to obtain it, get in the "network", check all our bills for errors, determine whether or not it's worth it to go to the doctor ("how much will this cost me?"), and most importantly, we fucking pay for it. people on public assistance just show up. that's it.
Did you know 25% of illegal immigrants are on some kind of federal assistance?
I have nothing more to say about illegal immigrants. the situation speaks for itself.
but don't even get me started on stuff like "the projects".
En Vind Av Sorg said:
Ive been through the same thing man. I was actually booked about a year and a half ago
attention drug users: instead of complaining about getting in trouble for doing something *illegal* why don't you cease the illegal activity, lobby for legal reform, and then resume the activity after you go through the proper channels?
J. said:
Now I would back that plan. That plan would effectively kill all drug users and put cartels out of business. BRILLIANT!

Nope, it would only the kill the users that are foolish enough to let a substance take over their life. It's always a shame when someone OD's or whatever, but it is absolutely their fault... and I know there are special cases blah blah blah.

I knew some dudes that did Heroin probably two or three times a month. Now, usually people's understanding of heroin is that you do it once, get totally hooked, kill your parents, and just fall into an abyss of total hell. Not the case... one of these fellows got re-located because of his job- due to the work load, he didn't have time to mess around with hard drugs so he simply just stopped with no problem at all. The other guy, since his friend moved away, never used it again either... also stopping without a single problem. Heroin, coke, speed, whatever- these things are not all that bad for you if they are used in responsible amounts. Sort of like alcohol, perhaps?
dorian gray said:
there is essentially NO reason for you to be paying for healthcare right now.

Yeah, but dude, EVERYONE in the world knows that Americans take it up the ass on healthcare and college tuition fees, you know that right? I mean, it is a world wide joke, and you know why average Americans don't do anything about it? They don't know any better!!!! And why don't they know any better? Because they REFUSE to believe that a quality of life could be better anywhere else in the world. It's mindblowing.

It's the average American's own arrogance that becomes his greatest downfall. How many times have you heard an American say this: "Why would I want to go over there? I've got everything I need right here". Fucking every red neck abides by this rule, and it's complete ignorance.

Get out the country for a month (a week if you have to) and see how much better it is in countries that pay the SAME income tax %, particularly for middle to lower class residents. If you're rich, then it doesn't matter either way.
JayKeeley said:
Yeah, but dude, EVERYONE in the world knows that Americans take it up the ass on healthcare and college tuition fees, you know that right? I mean, it is a world wide joke, and you know why average Americans don't do anything about it? They don't know any better!!!! And why don't they know any better? Because they REFUSE to believe that a quality of life could be better anywhere else in the world. It's mindblowing.

It's the average American's own arrogance that becomes his greatest downfall. How many times have you heard an American say this: "Why would I want to go over there? I've got everything I need right here". Fucking every red neck abides by this rule, and it's complete ignorance.

Get out the country for a month (a week if you have to) and see how much better it is in countries that pay the SAME income tax %, particularly for middle to lower class residents. If you're rich, then it doesn't matter either way.

I think you are my new hero.
dorian gray said:
attention drug users: instead of complaining about getting in trouble for doing something *illegal* why don't you cease the illegal activity, lobby for legal reform, and then resume the activity after you go through the proper channels?

I cant speak for everyone but Im moving out of the country in about 6 months, so its really pointless for me to lobby and reform. Besides, I wasnt actually complaining about the laws, just stating a similar situation happened to me. Id rather narcotics remain illegal for the time being, I dont want the govt. involved in more of my life.
En Vind Av Sorg said:
I cant speak for everyone but Im moving out of the country in about 6 months, so its really pointless for me to lobby and reform. Besides, I wasnt actually complaining about the laws, just stating a similar situation happened to me. Id rather narcotics remain illegal for the time being, I dont want the govt. involved in more of my life.

I can say the same for myself... my whole theory on drugs is to just use them with absolute responsibility. I refuse to take ANYTHING unless I am at my house late at night, or if I am at one specific friend's house. I won't smoke on the highway, I won't speed around like a freak while I'm carrying drugs (I avoid driving with them in the first place), and this way- it is virtually impossible to get yourself into some sort of trouble or to hurt another person!