
nad has it right on, seriously. also http://www.drugwarfacts.org has some good info.

just curious, what is it some of you have against marijuana? is it just the image associated with it, i.e. hippies, or what? i don't get it, if i had been drinking and we all got m.i.p.'s i don't think you'd be talking about the detrimental effects of alcohol :err:
lurch70 said:
you guys are making it sound like pot is only illegal in the US ... WTF?
It's the laws I'm under and familiar with, I can't exactly bitch about another country's laws that I have no clue about. :loco:

Although I do know that usage rates in The Netherlands are lower than in the US. One official said "we've succeeded in making marijuana as boring as possible." :tickled:
Fuck mates, to even begin to say its OK to drive well under the influence is pure fucking idiocy, seriously, that shouldn't even BE a debate. Argueing that its "OMG I CAN DRIVE FINE" well blazed OR drunk is fucking retarded and all should know that.
Fuck mates, to even begin to say its OK to drive well under the influence is pure fucking idiotry, seriously, that shouldn't even BE a debate. Argueing that its "OMG I CAN DRIVE FINE" well blazed OR drunk is fucking retarded and all should know that.

I've driven probably a grand total of 24 hours with people who were completely stoned, and I've had only one problem that was directly connected to black ice.
I really don't have anything against marijuana, it's some of its users that bother me. Just like I don't have a problem with alcohol, it's the alcoholics and drink-to-get-drunk types that are a nuisance.
Marksveld said:
I've driven probably a grand total of 24 hours with people who were completely stoned, and I've had only one problem that was directly connected to black ice.

Dude, I'm not saying that its true or not, im saying why argue that? Thats the worst arguement you could ever make on marijuanas safe usage. No one (who is anti ganja) will look at you with a straight face when you are telling them you can drive fine while intoxicated.
just for the record ... pot is NOT legal in the Netherlands ... it is merely TOLERATED by the authorities.

been there, done that :loco:
Fuck mates, to even begin to say its OK to drive well under the influence is pure fucking idiotry, seriously, that shouldn't even BE a debate. Argueing that its "OMG I CAN DRIVE FINE" well blazed OR drunk is fucking retarded and all should know that.
Dude that is NOT what I was saying, of course it's never okay to drive under the influence of anything, I was pointing out the fuzzy logic employed by modern reefer madness.
J. said:
I really don't have anything against marijuana, it's some of its users that bother me. Just like I don't have a problem with alcohol, it's the alcoholics and drink-to-get-drunk types that are a nuisance.

DING DING! give this man a prize.
and it is more or less tolerated in the US as well, as evidenced by the thread starter's incident., so I don't see why the users are always bitching. what do you want? to be able to walk down the street while smoking a doob?
Fuck mates, to even begin to say its OK to drive well under the influence is pure fucking idiocy, seriously, that shouldn't even BE a debate. Argueing that its "OMG I CAN DRIVE FINE" well blazed OR drunk is fucking retarded and all should know that.
well driving drunk is fucking idiotic, but driving stoned is different...i'm not saying it's on par with driving sober but the level of impairment is far less than for alcohol, it's more like driving when you're really really tired. which is still not a brilliant idea, but i'm not a brilliant man.
One Inch Man said:
Dude that is NOT what I was saying, of course it's never okay to drive under the influence of anything, I was pointing out the fuzzy logic employed by modern reefer madness.

Not you mate, just saying that in general its lame. Not saying my mates and me arn't guilty of booze cruisin' or bowl rollin'.
in Amsterdam, me and my freinds were smoking in an outdoor cafe, with cops right in front of us just hanging around ... it was freaking surreal. but once you get passed that WHOA feeling .... it's like ... this sucks ... now let's get some legal whores.
lurch70 said:
in Amsterdam, me and my freinds were smoking in an outdoor cafe, with cops right in front of us just hanging around ... it was freaking surreal. but once you get passed that WHOA feeling .... it's like ... this sucks ... now let's get some legal whores.

I went to Amsterdam as well. Before I went I was like "Meh, watever, let people do what they want, its their boddies blahblahbalbhalah"


That place sucks ass.
J. said:
and it is more or less tolerated in the US as well, as evidenced by the thread starter's incident., so I don't see why the users are always bitching. what do you want? to be able to walk down the street while smoking a doob?
It's tolerated on a case by case basis, as evidence of the topic. There sure are a lot of people in prison for possession of marijuana, not just dealers.
J. said:
and it is more or less tolerated in the US as well, as evidenced by the thread starter's incident., so I don't see why the users are always bitching. what do you want? to be able to walk down the street while smoking a doob?
no, that would be rude :Spin: but this type of thing just shouldn't happen at all. that we had all our shit confiscated and had to sit out in the cold for an hour was just annoying, we shouldn't be getting hassled for participating in a harmless activity.

and yea, nad's right, what happened to us was the best you could hope for. many people are in jail for a long time for stupid shit and having stuff pinned on them by other people so they could avoid long sentences
there is waaaaay to much freedom in Amsterdam and in The Netherlands ... it's like this eternal hippie vibe there. Everyone is chilled out and understanding.

I saw a live sex show there ... it was disturbing. Imagine like going into a theater to watch a movie ... seating liek that ... but there were people fucking on stage ... not faking it ... I mean ... fucking.
lurch70 said:
I saw a live sex show there ... it was disturbing. Imagine like going into a theater to watch a movie ... seating liek that ... but there were people fucking on stage ... not faking it ... I mean ... fucking.

I'm scarred for life as well ='( Sorry mate, I know how it is. Haha.
Amsterdam is BEAUTIFUL, but far too many idiots go there so they stay inside some dank cafe and smoke weed. If you aren't going to walk around and see all of the amazings things that are indeed available to see, don't even go!
don't get me wrong ... I went to all the museums and all those memories stayed with me as well ... Van Gogh, Rembrandt, Ann Franke House ... trannies from Croatia :lol: