it sucks when you buy yourself a really nice agalloch tour shirt in copenhagen and then you promptly lose it somewhere on the way home to sweden
Best post evar.that definitely sucks... Where was the last place you saw it?
it sucks when you buy yourself a really nice agalloch tour shirt in copenhagen and then you promptly lose it somewhere on the way home to sweden
Go back there and find it. Shouldn't be far off rite, I mean it's only a 2 hour drive from sydney to canberra here in aus
And it's about a 12-16 hour drive from Umeå to Copenhagen.
...honestly...write Don or Jon an email and ask for another one...they will do it, I´m sure!...Berlin was great but far too short...very nice guys...
...without making Erik crying... I ´ve got a hoodie and they are really nice...layout is partly form the Nest guy...