Fucking assholes.


Aug 30, 2001

What an awesome Memorial Day. Wake up 8am (well, actually more like got out of bed at 8am since I got pretty much no sleep at all) to go play golf with my dad. We do this pretty much every weekend, and it's awesome, but today was different. I wasn't really excited about it since I was so tired, the weather is pretty grim and looks like it could rain and honestly I haven't been playing that well to begin with the last few times I've gone out.

Long story short, I play the worst I've ever played before and we were teamed up with this guy and his friend who'd never really played a real round of golf before, so it took fucking ages. By the time we're done (6 hours after we started) I'm hungry, tired and irritable. Here's where the fun begins!

Some shitty asshole broke into my truck while I was playing and completely trashed it! IN THE MIDDLE OF A SMALL PARKING LOT IN BROAD DAYLIGHT! I mean, what? There were apparently several other cars that were broken into as well because in the spots next to me I saw lots of pennies and broken glass on the ground. No glass was broken on my truck and it appears that my change compartment is still at maximum capacity.

So I do a quick search and the only thing wrong (aside from the mess) was the ruined passenger door lock. He pried it open with a screwdriver or something and completely demolished it. Other than that, nothing was missing. All my cds and my cd player are there, although scattered about. All my registration and insurance information still remains (I think), nothing is broken, nothing is gone. What a winner! Breaks in and steals nothing! Or so I thought.... on the drive home the sun came out pretty bright so I reached for my Oakleys. Nope, they're gone. Nowhere in the truck. HE STOLE MY SUNGLASSES! I suppose they were the most valuable item in my truck, now that I think about it. That really pisses me off because I wore those things all the time. If he'd have taken my cd player instead he'd probably be doing me a favor since I need a new one anyways. But my Oaks were my fave :( I want to find that guy and burn his hands off with a soldering iron.

Aahhh...an electrician. Takes too long to heat up man.
You need sharp things!

BTW-which course were you at? My Mom got her
trunk popped at Jackson years ago. Shitty end to a long rainy weekend!
derek said:
I say find the the twat and kick his cunt in.

Sorry to hear that, Kevin. Hopefully shit picks up.

Well, other than this, things are pretty awesome! I can always get a new pair of sunglasses!

I just hate thieves.
I hear you man. It's pathetic.

Glad to hear all other things are awesome, though.

Btw, Oakley's OWN. I wear mine all the time too!
awww kev.... that sucks ! I've seen about a 67556 pics of you with those sunglasses I know you loved them.... :-/

On another note... at least he didn't take anything else, OR broke your windows.... Hope you ordered a hell of a pizza delivery after that long day!
That's total shit man, thieves suck, espcially the sunglass stealing ones. One would think that if you're breaking into cars, high-fashion maybe shouldn't be your biggest concern, but I guess not. At least the guy didn't take a knife to your seats and dash, like one dude I knew had happen.

My car got broken into a while back, same deal as your truck, my door pried open with a screwdriver as I was attending a show (Nevermore oddly enough!). Except in my case the thief was even more of a retard. He apparently didn't notice my 4 textbooks (averaging somewhere around $150-200 a piece) sitting on the back seat, nor did he search under the seats to find my friend's wallet or my full 50 disc CD case. He didn't even fucking check my glovebox for the $20 emergency cash I keep very obviously in it.

I guess most smart people don't break into cars. Fucking twats, I hope they wade ass first into a field of dicks.
Well FUCK. I just remembered that my backpack was also in my truck which contained my camera and some cds and my Sony headphones.

Now I'm really fucking pissed off.
Call the office of the place. They MIGHT have a security camera.
I remember seeing some time ago this was a popular target...maybe
they did something about it. :(
I went and told them before I left. I am also awaiting a call back from the police department. Who knows when that'll happen, heh.
Shpongled said:
I went and told them before I left. I am also awaiting a call back from the police department. Who knows when that'll happen, heh.

I hope your insurance will at least cover the damage to the truck. I'd be surprised if the cops gave a shit, God knows they don't around here. They'd have to catch the guy red-handed robbing a Starbucks before they'd do anything.
NoLordy said:
Far less interesting, Tee.
not quite sure...I'd be happy without these kinds of excitements.
I'd be thinking of colors on the wings of butterflies as more interesting and similar...
this, MyFriend, is not Interesting to me.... :puke: