Fucking Symphony X!!!!!!


Aug 28, 2002
Butt Of The World
Just got back from the show, I won't write a review here (I'l do it for my new website www.progvisions.net) but I'll say it was fucking amazing.
First I got to interview Lepond for 45 minutes and it was a blast. I gotta transcribe the tape and when I do it it will my aviable on the website (see above). Lepond is my buddy. He recognized me, cos we met in April and we talked a lot in the outside of the venue. The interview was quite interesting you'll see.

We got a couple of pics after the interview :)



After the interview I catched Russ eating and we talked about BAttleField 1942 and Tool. He was kind enought to sign some booklets and my special edition of the Star One DVD. Lepond signed some booklets too

The show was mindblowing, they sounded pretty better than the last time tho still too loud. Romeo is damn metal, he loves to play loud. Russel is the most brutal singer I've seen. I mean it.


Communion And the oracle
King Of Terrors
Accolade 1 / Accolade 2
Smoke And Mirrors
Out Of The Ashes
Sea Of Lies
Of Sins And Shadows
The Odyssey

The Odyssey is the most fucking brilliant song ever played live. AMAZING...

Fuck, I love SX!

Btw, look what I got at the end of the show, being 2 metres tall helps a lot!

Great pictures!!!
Keep the reviews coming they are cool. Its great that they can get so personal w/thier fans, isn't it?
They are the greatest bunch of guys I have ever met. (I know I keep saying that, but it is true.)
I love SymX!!!!
SiRo said:

Communion And the oracle
King Of Terrors
Accolade 1 / Accolade 2
Smoke And Mirrors
Out Of The Ashes
Sea Of Lies
Of Sins And Shadows
The Odyssey

SX played "Out of the Ashes" between "Communion and the Oracle" and "King of Terrors".

Hehehe,...did you know I was just by your side all the concert???
SiRo said:
It is not that they get so close to the fan as you say, I was an interviewwer, for a e-zine you know. I had a "special pass" and all that crap.

Anyway it was cool

What I was meaning was how they treat us. I know they DON'T get THAT close.. :-)
They are very private guys, and they have that right. I guess what I was trying to say was how they stop to talk, and remember us from other shows, and they let you know that they DO remember you. (which is really sweet, IMO)
We have a better chance of having a closer relationship w/them, (band/fan relationship :-) ya know..) then most bands out there. Thats what makes them special to me. (of course be sides thier music)
All I know is that when I see them, and one of them says "hey, I remember you" it just makes me feel really good. And for them to take the time to say something to me, Its a high I stay on for awhile.. << *all smiles for about few days or so*, heehee.
I hope that clears up what I was saying b-4. Sorry Siro.
But anyways it sounds like you had a great time. That would be an AWESOME job..
Yeah Yeah I hear you, and actually I got you when I read your first post. I just wanted to clear that I didn't interview ML outside the venue and that..it was all pre-dated :p

SX played "Out of the Ashes" between "Communion and the Oracle" and "King of Terrors".

Hehehe,...did you know I was just by your side all the concert???

Yeah I knew I was posting the wrong order, but I didn't care that much :p And no I didn't know you were by my side. Who are you?