
His Dudeness
Jan 8, 2002
hey fuckers, im back after a long stint of my computer sucking....i think i fixed the problem, but now ive got a question for all you tech-savvy motherfuckers. i think i need a new video card....any suggestions for the best quality/value???? i dont need something thats crazy good....i just want a few of my games to work, but not make me go broke while buying one. thanks guys/gals
what games? i got an ati radeon 9200 for like 70 bucks a few months ago and its really good, even has s video and rca video ports so i can watch downloaded movies on the tv. it also has dvi and vga monitor ports so you can use it with a flat panel or crt, and its good for the few games i have.

are you still runnign 98? because it sucks and windows 2000 pro is a million tomes better and i have a piratey copy if you want it.
haha.....the title is a quote from the South Park movie, i have XP, but thank you. and thanks for the info ill have to check it out
@M.: arr, shiver me windows!

oh and get just about anything... some months ago ATI mopped the floor with nvidia's ass, but now it's pretty much even

depends more on what price range you're aiming at
heeey im getting XP pro SP2 (yaaaar) soon, i need to print oup a bunch of Product keys though. . .:lol: im all updated and sheeit, although i need new mother board and memory, and a SUPER sound card.
> debugging C is so shitty on linux...

thats because you dont know how to use it. winlosers usually have a hard time with linux........ its like windowz was programmed with subliminal messages to corrupt peoples brain so that they can't use a real OS after being subjected to it.

Most people format & reinstall their windowz (95, 98, xp, se, ce, whatever) more often than i reboot my server (linux) ..... and that's counting power failures :D :D
To me, the only reasons for not running Linux are:
1. I have no experience of Linux what-so-ever.

2. There is a goddamn big bunch of programs that won't run on Linux.

What I'm gonna do about the situation:
1. Next year I have a compulsory Linux Basics course in school

2. Gonna sit on my ass and wait for every frikkin' program to be Linux compatible. Ain't no way in hell I would stop using some programs just because I had to get a more stable system. Or - get in a situation where I'm using Linux and the only program able to solve my problem is not Linux compatible.

Eat that for starters. :p
yeah, i have the windowz box for the few winDos-only programs i need that won't run (properly) in vmware or wine or dosemu.. and for some games too.

and getting it to work properly is usually far beyond my patience.

in the end, all systems have their good and bad points, EXCEPT windowz which has no good points. 98% marketing, 2% efficiency == designed to sell, not to work.
delt said:
> debugging C is so shitty on linux...

thats because you dont know how to use it. winlosers usually have a hard time with linux........ its like windowz was programmed with subliminal messages to corrupt peoples brain so that they can't use a real OS after being subjected to it.

Most people format & reinstall their windowz (95, 98, xp, se, ce, whatever) more often than i reboot my server (linux) ..... and that's counting power failures :D :D
that's bullshit. working/debugging in Borland C++ is like 10 times better/faster than a fucking linux terminal screen. And the more header files in win ver.

edit: don't get me wrong i like linux too, but for C it sux
Rubenios said:
that's bullshit. working/debugging in Borland C++ is like 10 times better/faster than a fucking linux terminal screen. And the more header files in win ver.

edit: don't get me wrong i like linux too, but for C it sux

Who says you can't use proper tools (GUI if you prefer) in Linux? :Smug: Try debugging in windows terminal screen... :loco: