uhh, c was born together with unix, so it's more like *nix is THE os for c
you have the entire os in c and you can twist and bend it at your leisure

and no doubt there are gui tools for linux
who the fuck says you're stuck with terminal screens in unix?? except if you're running a 386 with 2 megs of ram.... i had a teacher in college who also made a complete idiot of himself by comparing the latest windowz "innovations" to what unix was 40 years ago.

well, on the same basis, you could compare "batch files" with unix shell scripting..... or so-called "shortcut" (.lnk) files with real symlinks. or "net-meeting" with X's native networking design, etc etc etc............
dilema1362 said:
haha.....the title is a quote from the South Park movie
That's the first thing that came to my mind when I read the subject.

"Get Bill Gates in here!!"

<Soldiers bring Gates in>

"You told us Windows 98 would be faster, and more efficient, with better access to the Internet!"

It is faster, over five million-- *BANG*

> That's the first thing that came to my mind when I read the subject.
> "Get Bill Gates in here!!"
> <Soldiers bring Gates in>
> "You told us Windows 98 would be faster, and more efficient, with better access to the Internet!"
> It is faster, over five million-- *BANG*

hahahahhaha i saw that movie the other day and that part was fukkin hilarious!!!

every windowz is passed off a "bug fix" for previous windowz, but they're just made to force everyone into buying 4 - 5x more powerful hardware than the previous "upgrade".

and when you think about it -- to this day, a typical computer opens a simple text file at the same speed as a 8088 XT did 30 years ago.

HAHAHAHHAHA "windows XT" :tickled:
Rubenios said:
i don't make graphical shit, I build embedded systems and IMO the borland builder is a bit more friendly. Also the IC's that I use are mostly programmed by a w32 program...

So actually it's not the general tools that you miss but very specialized ones, no? :Smug:
yaaaay im officially a program pirate

i finally burned the XP iso to image :D

now i gotta wait for me Reason Torrent to finish, then i have a whole new computer :)