Fun Stuff

Like "vittu", it's a word that fits many a purpose and context. If you had witnessed me at work the other night, you'd probably live under the impression that it means "internet connection". ;)
Like "vittu", it's a word that fits many a purpose and context. If you had witnessed me at work the other night, you'd probably live under the impression that it means "internet connection". ;)

Oh, if you'd seen me today, any day, at my computer, you'd learn plenty of new words, which you'd think are about internet connection, but are in fact nowhere near.
Thus posed Zarathustra...

Matter of fact, just recently I admired the original version of the painting below, but I gotta admit that the remake is somewhat livelier...

I seldom take trains - once every two years perhaps and avoid using the toilets at all costs, because I'm afraid I might catch cholera, typhus or maybe even plague. But I can show you photos of the compartments of a passenger train from this spring... I suspect the trains in India are a bit cleaner.