Fun Stuff

Referring back to my "detergent ad" joke on May Day, I'm no longer sure if it really was just the joke it was meant to be or rather an accidental prediction. After all, Tuska and Amorphis are managed by the same organization. And this banner is for friggin' real, I just spotted it it on the festival homepage...

Black? wtf Licorace or what :Spam:
Black? wtf Licorace or what

Didn't check but wouldn't wonder if. As you probably remember, in Finland we even have licorice ice cream. Some call it yummy, but I beg to differ. :loco:

Shouldn't it be MAIDEN FINLAND?

It should indeed.

And are they actually playing at the same stadium that hosted not the Olympics but some other International sports event similar to the Olympics, I forget what it was but I was at that stadium 30 years ago (give or take) sorry can't remember now.

The very one. Actually it also hosted the Olympics, albeit with a delay of twelve years (1952 instead of 1940, for the obvious reason). But it's been home to many high-profile events over the decades, the one you witnessed might have been the World Athletics Championships in 1983. When there's bands playing, my choice of alternatives is as follows:

1) Shitty band, any weather > good excuse to be elsewhere
2) Good band, shitty weather > listen from the comfort of my living room
3) Good band, good weather > listen from the rocks outside the stadium, enjoying a picnic and beer with friends
4) Iron Maiden & Amorphis, any weather > buy a ticket and try to get as close to the stage as possible :D
The very one. Actually it also hosted the Olympics, albeit with a delay of twelve years (1952 instead of 1940, for the obvious reason). the one you witnessed might have been the World Athletics Championships in 1983.

Yes! that was the last time I was there. So young, so interested in everything. I thought the javelin throw was so cool, they could really throw them.

Cool and understanding that of course now they would have other "activities" there.

Side note: when I was there even 2 years before that, Iron Maiden and Hanoi Rocks posters were all over the place, saw alot of punk hair doos, mom thought it was funny too but then that's where I went....


ahhh the memories.

I'm glad we forum members have a more civilized attitude towards our beers than that sick dude above. When we're thirsty, we just walk into a bar, and even if we don't get any service, we don't put on a show but just politely walk back out into the street and continue in search of a better place, as Karhu (who hopefully didn't go thirsty all night, tell us more about it ;) ) kindly demonstrates here:

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A seminar for women "How to live in love and understanding with your man"
The presenter asks the present women:
- How many of you love your man?
All raise their hands.
- When was the last time you told him so?
Some say today, some - yesterday, some say they don't remember.
The presenter asks the women to send a text to their man, saying "Darling, I love you!" After that the ladies had to swap phones with each other and read out loud the replies. Here're some of them:
"Who is this?"
"Are you ill?"
"What happened to the car again?"
"I don't understand what you want."
"What did you do?! I won't forgive you this time!"
"Get straight to the point and tell me how much do you need."
"Am I dreaming?"
"If you don't tell me who this message was really intended for, I'll kill you!"
"I've asked you to stop drinking. If you're tired of me, I'll leave."
"Whatever you want, the answer is NO!!!"
All I want is the poster Tuuletar has and yes, I did fall asleep with beer in hand. Once.
I was young then, now I make sure to pay attention and then.........
But isn't house cat "Kissa" and tiger "Tigre"? But a lol pic for sure. Lynx in Finnish are called what? __________And I'm not sure if you have Bobcats there...

And a side note, I read that the band KISS bought a "professional" indoor Arena Football team in Los Angeles and are working on uniforms, etc. and the ticketholders get special shows with KISS playing at sometime? It's not the NFL that's so popular here but the side football leage (not soccer for some of you, American "football") but LOL anyway. Maybe the picture is a premece?