Fun with Metal!

Yeah I think it's too late to get into them now lol

It's never too late, not with the internet. They really did have some half decent music back in the time of To Hell With The Devil. The lead singer is a mouth piece these days and they don't produce that much worth listening too but while Youtube is free it's never too late for new bands
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I will do a lot of one off listening to YT stuff. Anything from 50's and 60's to about 2000 where I probably don't want the album but want to hear a one off song or two. There is a lot of good songs on crappy albums and those people who put full albums up on YT make it easier to hear those tracks.
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I'm not overly surprised by his appreciation for the guy, lots of people share it, but seeing him with guitar is a bit of surprise.
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He could do a mash up, The Toxic Purple Waltz, Pleasures Of The Dove, Paisley Headed Kill Machine. Cream In Cream Out, and Party Like It's A Fabulous Disaster. Then if he goes the hairdo and the weird outfits it will make make the next Exodus show the talk of the town.
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Not really a fan either but he was a maestro, a master of 27 different instruments, pop music or not he was a massive talent who deserved the praise he got...and a drug fucked individual who ultimately took his own life by the look of it.
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It's not unsurprising to see metal heads dislike him and deny his talent, I used to do the same, but he was well regarded by his peers, he sold millions, he wrote songs people recognise as classics and he could play more instruments, and play them brilliantly. I'd be jealous if I could actually play any of the instruments he did with any sort of ability.
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