Fun with Metal!

It's not surprising because metal bands have more musical talent in their little fingers than "symbol" did. And they are still not really recognized for it except by us the fans. He's called a genius by other pop people who can't play and ass kissers. I've seen and heard him play, he has some decent ability. That's as far as I'll go. but master at anything..No. And certainly not 27 instruments, but I can check Guiness Book Of World Records. Of course he sold shit tons of records, so did Brittany Spears. That's what Pop does. But to each their own...I guess :D
I doubt it's purely because he was a pop star that he got the accolades he did. His life is fairly well documented by many sources who all said the same things. But there will always be deniers of anyone's talent, that doesn't mean they don't have it. I have talents even my mother doesn't believe I have, but I know I have them.
Man the pop world is full of ass kissers, because they are getting rich of off them or their friends are getting rich off them, It's like the music version of Hollywood, every single one of them is treated like a special genius. And I'm not saying he didn't have talent, especially for his realm of music. I'm just saying it's way overblown. They call Michael Jackson a genius too...

I wouldn't presume to argue with your mother lol!
All music is full of arse kissers. The money might be easier to come by in pop music but that doesn't automatically make the talent of those who rise to the top any less. MJ is a different beast, he might have been a genius in figuring out what his chosen market wanted to spend money on but no one really know what the guy actually was, or if he even was a guy, or if he was even human.

I argue with my mother all the time, she's just like her mother before her. 25 years in business for myself and my mum still thinks my business hasn't been a success.
Oh yeah there is more arse kissers in pop purely because there is more people in pop. God knows what the relative figures are but I would imagine the proportions between arse kissers and talentless tosses in metal is similar to that in pop music.

I thought 5 years was good given that I didn't miss many meals and paid all the bills, but because my grand mother deemed it not a success before she died my mother wont waiver from the same thought. Just the way some people are, they can't waiver from a thought no matter what is presented to them.
I guess it all comes down to whose arse you kiss. There is just as many people out there who would suggest Baby Metal, or Steel Panther, are arse kisses. There is a thread going a bit silly elsewhere on this forum about one guy's opinion on grunge and how they were arse kissing talentless wankers that ruined music. But for every hair metal band he's praised someone as told him they were talentless. None of it really means much in the end.
Well, there's talentless and there's talentless isn't there lol

I would say that in Grunge and Alternative in particular the talentless bands were weeded out rather quickly. Most of those bands never had a second album. Which to me means they didn't have the talent to keep writing music. Only a handful ever really made it. you said hair metal lol
Hair metal has been bandied about quite a bit in that thread. Apparently bands like Motley Crue and Poison were the best bands in the world and paved the road for every one and Jani Lane was the best musician to walk the earth and he died too soon. But Kurt Cobain was a dickhead that single handed ruined music for everyone who followed him. So even if Kurt was a talentless wanker the guy who hates grunge is giving him the highest credit ever by saying he achieved something no one else could, the ruination of music for today's generation. That's a talent all in it's own. Thank you Kurt!!

Oh yeah and I forgot to mention 80's hair metal got this guy laid so often it was amazing...That alone must make the story true because surely no one would lie about how much pussy they got by listening to guys like Tommy Lee and Vince Neil!
Why are they calling it metal"? That shit ain’t metal Crue is hard rock and Poison and Warrent are Glam rock. Crue hadn’t been metal since “Shout” and the other two never were.✌️I remember those guys in school, lol The guys who wore the Poison and Warrent shirts. They walked around saying they liked metal for some reason thinking it made them look cooler or like "the bad boy", but they wouldn’t know Slayer or Testament or Overkill and they usually had mullets. Like real world Stewarts from Beavis and Butthead! This is just my personal experience, not gospel. Except that top shit, that shit is true:)

I didn’t know the five knuckle shuffle counted as getting laid!
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I suppose the term metal is as open to people as any other term. I don't really care how people classify music, Motley can be metal, Metallica can be rock and Blackened Progressive Ambient Symphonic Death metal can be a thing if people really want it to be. I still listen to what I listen too. I no more agree with his opinion that Motley and Poison ruled the world than I agree with his idea that grunge killed it. I think the guy's just an idiot who tried to start an argument he thought heaps of other metal heads would agree with because in his world it's fashionable to hate grunge.

Maybe he lays on his hand for five minutes and after it goes numb it feels like someone else?
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Well... Metallica did turn into rock for a good long time lol, no heavier than the bands they were making fun of a few years before.

To me, and how the scene was here when I was in school. There was clear separation between the groups of kids, if all your songs were about flash and chicks and parties and you're glammed up and most of it is blues based, then that's hard rock or glam rock. Our patches were Metallica and Slayer etc and theirs were Poison and Def Leppard etc and the groups had very different mentalities, the Rock kids would dip into POP and the Metal kids would dip into Punk. There are a few bands that transcended, like Maiden. And it wasn't so much the Hard Rock bands like GNR and Tesla we disliked, it was strictly the Glam Rock
But maybe that's just how it was around here in the cold Northeast lol.

I remember when Vh1 really started to hit the term hard. Trying to kind of legitimize these glammed out bands, to kind of try and market them to the metal crowd. they'd sneak in a video onto Headbangers Ball, but when you see a Megadeth video and then a Motley or Poison or Firehouse video. It is pretty obvious what's metal and what isn't. The whole vibe is completely different.
I just hate that for years VH1 was spreading that term in the Behind the music Tv shows. That was seen by a lot of people and really the only representation we got. So after years of spreading it, people don't even question the labeling. Hell the whole of the Big4 and all the thrash bands "most notably Exodus" were very proud to not be one of the "poser" bands
Don't mind my rant, I'm super bored tonight! lol.
Just a pet peeve of mine. I almost deleted all this, but what fun would that be?:D

LOl! they call that one "The Stranger" :rofl:

And no it wasn't Grunge that killed Rock, there was room for both. It was still selling, it was the record companies who decided to put all their eggs in one basket lol. They just decided to stop promoting rock, and that was before the internet. At least how it is now. So if the record company didn't promote, there really was no way to know if the band you liked even had an album out. The record companies weren't sending singles to radio anymore, the magazines went away. They dropped the videos. I literally had to just go to the record store every week to keep up on bands lol.

Now SNG and then it's Netflix time!
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I never considered grunge a killer and I certainly didn't give Kurt Cobain credit for single handedly killing the metal world, he wasn't that smart. I was never a huge fan of grunge but to me bands like Nirvana, AIC , etc, etc, etc weren't doing that much different to the bands like Motley and Poison etc of the 80's, which wasn't much different to punk in the 70's and again not that much different to the Beatles in the 60's. The music was always different but kids latched on to a different sound and that sound suddenly became the 'it' thing of the time.

The publicity wagon did move into a higher gear in the 90's and trash reporting became more of the thing but I don't even think they helped grunge that much. You're right about sales though, record companies changed instead of during the 60's 70's and 80's where they looked at bands who could pump out three or four albums of what they were signed for record companies looked for bands that could make one or two albums that they could flood the market with in an effort to beat the opposition doing the same thing. Why they choose grunge I would imagine has more to do with what their market research told them the kids of the time would buy.

I suppose we had music groups in school but they weren't huge, although my school wasn't huge either we only had about 600 kids in the school. Of those I reckon maybe a dozen kids I knew liked heavier music but by the time I was getting into Dark Angel, Slayer and in the later years of secondary school Death, the other kids into 'heavy' music were listening to Crue and Poison and the like. Back then Metallica was even too heavy for most of the so called heavy metal kids.
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Grunge didnt kill Hair Rock

what killed it is the kids who stopped buying it because they wanted bands that sounded different from each other and wanted their own music instead of what they had forced on them for the past almost 10 years
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That has some truth to it, grunge and pop music was marketed way better than metal ever was, it still is and realistically you can't blame record companies for that, they are simply doing what all businesses do. They are a business, they are in it for themselves, they are in it to make as much money as quickly and as easily as possible, why would they put shitloads of effort into a genre that often self implodes when they have an almost certain money winner on another genre.
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that was the other thing that killed it, was the hair rock bands felt like they would be there forever, got comfy, the music got (even) worse and the labels did nothing to prevent it

I know Nirvarna gets a lot of credit for killing those bands, but Id have to give it to Soundgarden

they were already doing their thing and were a smooth transition for music fans who were beginning to realize what they were buying really sucked and they could get good music by people who knew how to play instruments and had talent

Blame Soundgarden, not 'No Head' Kurt
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Nope I blame Courtney for everything from the death of heavy music to the death of Kurt, to global warming, to the wiping out of dinosaurs.
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