Fun with Metal!

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I'm gonna guess Chuck has his pipe out lol.
I really wish they'd do something. It's a little depressing that only Alex has. They used to do so many cool things. It'd be cool if Eric did some play thru's. And I still think it's the perfect time to do Return To Serenity.
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I'm a bit surprised there is nothing at all from Gene, he's got so many projects on the go that I'd have thought he'd throw something on Facebook.
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I'm a bit surprised there is nothing at all from Gene, he's got so many projects on the go that I'd have thought he'd throw something on Facebook.
Yeah same here. out of everyone I would have expected him to do it the most. Him and Steve together maybe. Hopefully he's hard at work on Dark angel.
You know being the kind of musicians they are I kind of expected Alex, Gene and Steve to do some jamming together or even a real project.
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Gene's reluctant to release much about the music he's creating with his wife which is fair enough, but yeah I'd have thought there might have been something from Dark Angel.

I agree and I guess it's not just a Testament thing. I'd expect all sorts of bands to do little projects with each other. A much as I dislike Benante's efforts lately, (and Scott's not much better), at least they are doing something. Bands like Testament, Death Angel and Exodus, seem like pretty tight units, I'd really thought they might have done something, even if it's just a jam across the net, but something too keep them in the fans minds.
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They used to do cool stuff though. Somewhere on here are videos of them jamming acoustic stuff at some café in Cali. Think it was the Murphy years. It looked pretty chill and spontaneous. they weren't on a stage or anything.
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Hahah! My evil plan worked, you are still reliant on the website I stole!!

I suppose I could buy another ice cream but what if it's not the same, or worse it's an experimental cone and it tastes awful? Is it worth the risk?
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Oh crap, that means I'm going to get blown up!

Sometimes the risk could be worth it, but what if you had a cold and nothing tasted right, would it still be the most delicious ice cream ever?
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Speaking of good ice cream...I have nothing. But I do have something related to the conversation prior to that.

What are bands doing during this time? I know Dropkick Muprhys aren't metal but some of these bands could take a leaf out of their book. In a week or so Dropkicks are putting on their second live show, no audience, but a full live production on a stage streamed to the net. DKM are doing it because they have a few standing gigs year in and year out at specific venues that they wanted to keep running with. But what is to stop metal bands doing the same thing? They don't have to be big venues and it surely can't be that hard to get a local venue to support it.
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