Fun with Metal!

Speaking of good ice cream...I have nothing. But I do have something related to the conversation prior to that.

What are bands doing during this time? I know Dropkick Muprhys aren't metal but some of these bands could take a leaf out of their book. In a week or so Dropkicks are putting on their second live show, no audience, but a full live production on a stage streamed to the net. DKM are doing it because they have a few standing gigs year in and year out at specific venues that they wanted to keep running with. But what is to stop metal bands doing the same thing? They don't have to be big venues and it surely can't be that hard to get a local venue to support it.
That's pretty cool. I'll have to try and check it out.
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That's pretty cool. I'll have to try and check it out.

Their St Patty's day gig to no one was really good. You could tell the energy of the crowd was missing but the band certainly put on a show like they were playing to a big audience.
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Lol! Damn right!

Thankfully we've only got a this week left of home schooling. Our youngest is supposed to go back on Tuesday and the eldest 2 weeks after that. No one understands why they've split the grades by two weeks but some dickhead in the government suggested it so the first three and the highest two grades go to school for two weeks, then the 7 grades in the middle go back. For us (me) it's a logistical pain in the arse to get one kid to school, my wife to work, and the other kid home to do her school work so the youngest wont be going for two weeks. The school threatened us that there will be no school work for the youngest if they stay at home but I simply laughed and told them she deserves another two weeks off.
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