Yeah it was a great system. The Federal government offered to pay for defence force personnel to guard the hotels and stop people coming and going. So our state government took the money and hired a private security firm. The security firm was a 4 tired firm, the top tier took $65 per hour for each guard, they contracted to the next tier for $50 per hour, keeping $15 per hour for every guard. The next tier then contracted the another tier for $35 per hour, keeping themselves a tidy little $15 per hour per guard. Then that tier did the same thing. Then the bottom tier was the unlicenced, untrained security guards who had to provide their own protective gear and got paid $20 per hour. Some of these guards worked 15 hour days, 7 days a week for several months but the real beauty of the system was that the top three tiers, each collecting $15 per hour per guard were all owned by the same company.
Okay it doesn't explain why a security guards whose job it is to stop people who could have had a highly infectious disease from leaving a building would then go in and have sex with some of them but it's hardly surprising it happened when the entire process is examined.