Fun with Metal!

Oh hell man. I figured you were booked!

Today I'm booked to play the bedroom, tomorrow it's the bathroom and on Thursday it's an outdoor gig in the backyard...we are under lockdown again, we are only days away from the big man turning turning up to weld our doors shut!
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Well I do try to help and if that means sacrificing a high paying gig like the above for a person in society that might be struggling I'll do my bit. Nominations for my Noble prize can be emailed to the appropriate committees.
See man. You're one of the good ones. We'll get you a 3D printer to save on shipping for the awards.
Speaking of which. I feel your pain. There's an Overkill cap in the German store that is the snap back kind. That's the only kind I like. The stupid US store has the flex - fit only for some dumb reason. The cap is only $20. but the shipping is $30!
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Ok, we're gonna have to get started on that tunnel! It'll be just like Hogan's Heros!

The way people in Melbourne are breaking lockdown rules and escaping while infected I wont be surprised to see a TV doco team in 10 years exploring the "Corona Tunnels Of Melbourne"!!
Although the fact that these idiots are getting caught and charged a massive fine time and time again making the entire state go back into lockdown it kind of indicates they are too stupid to dig tunnels.
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See man. You're one of the good ones. We'll get you a 3D printer to save on shipping for the awards.
Speaking of which. I feel your pain. There's an Overkill cap in the German store that is the snap back kind. That's the only kind I like. The stupid US store has the flex - fit only for some dumb reason. The cap is only $20. but the shipping is $30!

Damn I'd love one of those 3d printers (for no other reason than to have one), Thanks!

Yeah I see so much good stuff on some of the metal sites but postage kills any purchase cold. Even albums become an expensive purchase if ordering one at a time from some places.
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The way people in Melbourne are breaking lockdown rules and escaping while infected I wont be surprised to see a TV doco team in 10 years exploring the "Corona Tunnels Of Melbourne"!!
Although the fact that these idiots are getting caught and charged a massive fine time and time again making the entire state go back into lockdown it kind of indicates they are too stupid to dig tunnels.
Wow! Imagine being to dumb to dig?! I mean that's like the cliché for dumb.."well you're boy will never be a brain surgeon but hey. The world needs ditch diggers too."
These guys redefine!
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Damn I'd love one of those 3d printers (for no other reason than to have one), Thanks!

Yeah I see so much good stuff on some of the metal sites but postage kills any purchase cold. Even albums become an expensive purchase if ordering one at a time from some places.
Yeah they are pretty damn cool. I saw they did a whole house in Mexico.

Me too. Overkill's German shop is way better than ours for some reason. :mad:
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Wow! Imagine being to dumb to dig?! I mean that's like the cliché for dumb.."well you're boy will never be a brain surgeon but hey. The world needs ditch diggers too."
These guys redefine!

If only they were smart enough to dig they could have buried themselves. If they had done that we wouldn't be in this shit for a second time.
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Yeah they are pretty damn cool. I saw they did a whole house in Mexico.

Me too. Overkill's German shop is way better than ours for some reason. :mad:

I've always figured if I bought one the first 6 months I'd send myself broke buying the stuff to print things, then the printer would sit in a corner collection dust because I'd get sick of it :)

I had hopes that NB setting up a local label and distribution in Australia might make some of the band stuff easier to get for us, but if they have actually set up here they haven't told anyone.
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Yes it is inconsiderate. We had one anti-masker (it's sad that there is such a thing) tackle a female cop to the ground and slam her head into the concrete multiple times because the cop was inconsiderate enough to ask the bitch to adhere to the new rule and wear a mask.
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Personally I think all the people breaking the rules should be locked up. Our stupid government is telling people who get tested to go home and remain home until they get their results, then if positive stay home for 2 weeks. But 1 in 4 of these people are not home when the police go back and check on them days after the test. The government talks big and has upped the fine for breaking quarantine to $4800 (although I bet not everyone is paying it) whereas they should put these people in government paid hotel quarantine when a positive test is achieved like they were doing the first time. Of course they need to put better security on the hotels given that the majority of this current outbreak was caused by security guards screwing quarantined people during shifts instead of doing their job. But this letting the people go home and self quarantine is not working and has led to anti-maskers and anti-anything people protesting against anything and everything.
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Yeah it was a great system. The Federal government offered to pay for defence force personnel to guard the hotels and stop people coming and going. So our state government took the money and hired a private security firm. The security firm was a 4 tired firm, the top tier took $65 per hour for each guard, they contracted to the next tier for $50 per hour, keeping $15 per hour for every guard. The next tier then contracted the another tier for $35 per hour, keeping themselves a tidy little $15 per hour per guard. Then that tier did the same thing. Then the bottom tier was the unlicenced, untrained security guards who had to provide their own protective gear and got paid $20 per hour. Some of these guards worked 15 hour days, 7 days a week for several months but the real beauty of the system was that the top three tiers, each collecting $15 per hour per guard were all owned by the same company.

Okay it doesn't explain why a security guards whose job it is to stop people who could have had a highly infectious disease from leaving a building would then go in and have sex with some of them but it's hardly surprising it happened when the entire process is examined.
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