Funniest things over heard or said this weekend?

The airport folks were definitely bemused. The security lady who waved me through looked at my Evergrey shirt and said "Oh, you went to that rock concert!"
rottingflesh said:
Was the "goth" Derek???? I messed with that guy so badly... he is a nice guy... :)
Yes, it was. I love that kid in spite of his handicap (big laugh).

When I saw his friends at the Granada I said "You guys need to do an intervention with that boy..."
Oh I've got another story for ya. I don't wish to embarrass the singer (so I won't). Met him in the lobby of the Granada after the show and people were talking to him asking him how he was, then out of the blue he starts talking about how he had been sick with bad diarrhea.

So that led to a few of us (after he left) singing that goofy Pepto Bismol commercial that's been playing all over the place.
Ok its not really my place to say this is one of the funniest things said, since I said it, but Rich seemed to think it was one of those "quote of the year" things at least within our ProgPower crew...

(@ the 5am Midnight performance)

Midnight: My two daughters were playing in the yard...
Rich: He has children!?

Midnight: One of them was upset the other had a worm and she didn't. I thought "There needs to be a song about this."
Matt: I thought, "social services needs to hear about this."

Previous years' priceless quotes in our experience include:

Some Dude to Jon Schaffer in Dude's hotel room (paraphrased except for the punch-line): You want a beer or something? Anything you can use my can jerk off in my sink.

(Anonymous about anonymous for obvious reasons): "I was molested by Threshold!" (yes it requires context so I guess you-had-to-be-there)

And two of MANY MANY wonderful quotes from PP2.0s infamous room 303 party... Oyvind from Spiral Architect: "You know what I like? Things!"
and Rick Mythiasin: "Its like, if we were here in this room, right now."
Matt Lee said:
Ok its not really my place to say this is one of the funniest things said, since I said it, but Rich seemed to think it was one of those "quote of the year" things at least within our ProgPower crew...

(@ the 5am Midnight performance)

Midnight: One of them was upset the other had a worm and she didn't. I thought "There needs to be a song about this."
Matt: I thought, "social services needs to hear about this."

Previous years' priceless quotes in our experience include:

(Anonymous about anonymous for obvious reasons): "I was molested by Threshold!" (yes it requires context so I guess you-had-to-be-there)

Those rocked. Especially the last one, which I was there for, and we still get much amusement from.

Plus the idea of needing a song about worms? For his kids? :loco:
My choice for the funniest thing would be the Costa Rica Polkas from Jon Oliva.

The second one came after Sam from Chicago had her boyfriend tell the story of her first meeting Tobias from Edguy. One of the guys with us mentioned that he could sing. My response directed toward her was "I can make you sing."

ACtually I just remembered another one. Throughout the event at random moments Jonah would pull me aside and just go "Hey man. Which way to the reservation?" Hahah, if you've seen me you'd understand.

Chris Roy while looking over the new LIne 6 amps we had this year that did everything but make breakfast - and they would probably do that if we spent enough time figuring out everything they could do.
" I wonder what this "History Erase" Button does"
(from behind the stacks while the rest of the crew was in front). We lost it
Which way to the reservation? HAH I wish I heard that! How about Tobias cracking up and screwing the lyrics ..."No we are a serious band, we are metal and evil and we are serious!" or even better "Look how big my head is compared to hers!" "Yeah man, your head is the size of a watermellon!"
"you guys are my Knights!"
"Hey isnt that the same shirt you had on last year?" "Yeah, but its not like it was yesterday, its clean!"
Just a few:

Me: Dude, its 8:30am and the housekeepers just opened the door to clean.
Mike: (3/4 asleep) yeah man, they're friggin crazy down here.

The setting for the next one is Cheetah's on Friday night. Some local clown sees all the guys walk in with long hair and black t-shirts and decides that he wants to relive his younger days. He starts trying to talk music with everyone there, and talks about how he used to be in a band and how badass they were. I didn't hear the whole discussion, but they started talking about some dude named Rusty. Apparently this clown thought he could play the guitar better than this Rusty fellow.

Lucho: Okay, if you can't play better than Rusty, then you (slang term for oral sex) EVERYBODY here! You better have a few drinks because you're going to have a lot of Chilean (end result of oral sex) in your mouth. You're gonna look like a chipmunk!
Ruthven said:
"Which one is Tad? I know it is one of the guitarists, but which one?"
Gotta clarify this one. The above quote was said to Ruthven by some guy on the floor who had REALLY been getting into Tad Morose's set, headbanging and whatnot. So, Ruthven naturally assumes this guy's a big fan. Then this guy turns to him and asks "Which one is Tad?"



"Holy shit, there goes Midnight...and he's carrying a guitar."
"He's stone cold sober, he's well-rested...this might be interesting."
"A few I had said or heard-
I'm a hot boob with chicks"
I was there for that one MR! Even funnier though- my hubby and Mark Groman were in a heavy conversation at the back bar area and all the sudden we smelled burning hair and were looking around and realized it was me! I leaned right back into the candle!!! I was going to get a trim when I got home anyway or it wouldn't have been so funny....
While Daniel Gildenlow was searching for the proper sound for the intro to People Passing by...

Someone in the crowd: YOU CAN DO IT DANIEL!
Daniel: Thanks, I was beginning to doubt myself!
Ruthven said:
"Which one is Tad? I know it is one of the guitarists, but which one?"

LOL, the funniest thing I heard was a chick walking behind me, and in front of the dude saying that, over and over... Something along the lines of "It wasn't funny the first time, and it's not getting any funnier."

- R
My entries...

During the Sevendwarves' signing, Jon Oliva talking to the guy in front of me..
Jon:"Yeah, my music is kinda like a fungus, it grows on you."
Jon To me: "Hey, you want that signed?"
Me: "Yeah, but only if you sign it as "the Fung."
He did...

I admit, I was the dick that yelled "Freebird" when Daniel Gildenlow said we could yell out whatever we wanted played.

Whoever yelled "Git 'r' Done" about 15 seconds after I was contemplating yelling it.

The dirty, dirty look I got from one dude when he realized I was wearing a Slik Toxik shirt.


- R
I liked the "Fuck!" "Yes...but not with you" exchange between Toby and that dude to stage right.

Oh man... Toby's doing the whole "FUCK!" thing with the crowd, then he says, "I WANNA FUCK!" instantly, 20 people up front shouts, "FUCK!" and air guitars of Twisted Sister break out! I wanted to see the Edguys play some TS, man! Woulda been hilarious! So of course I shouted at him,

"DO IT!"
"DO IT!"
"But not YOU!"


Toby earlier that night, to Rob Rock once he walked off-stage:
"What? I'm just saying that you have a little dick! *Ooooh! from the crowd* How should I know! I'm not gay! I never saw it!.... I've only..... FELT, it...... heh heh...."

And when Eggi and Felix stop playing at the exact same moment. Classic comedy. Even the guys off stage were saying "Whathafa?" to them and laughing!