FuNNy GOTE Review on! HAHA


Metal Madman
Feb 15, 2002
Northern Michigan
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Check this review! THis guy thinks Joey is the one who is singing!!

Joey, what hath thou become?, November 24, 2004

[font=verdana,arial,helvetica][size=-1][/size][/font][font=verdana,arial,helvetica][size=-1]Reviewer: Chutney "DentArthurdent" (Massachusetts, United States) - See all my reviews [/size][/font]
Upon listening to this long-awaited greatest hits album by my favorite band, Anthrax, I was a little stunned at the vocals. My voice coach said it was going to be live and raw sounding and boy, he wasn't kidding! The vocals are beyond raw. I mean - whatever happened to Joey Belladonna that he sounds that rough and ready!? Gone are the halcyon days of "Armed and Dangerous" and "The Persistence of Mime" when his clear, high voice rang high above the crunchy guitars and booming drums. Now he is angry and kind of gravelly (is that a word?) - like punching your hand into a freshly opened tin of Poppycock in a way. Might it be as a result of the recent departure of their bass player Dan Lilker? Is it the 'theories' going around that they're behind those white powder mailings to Daschel? You be the judge...

My theory is that years of hard drinking and smoking on the road have affected his once glossy voice and turned it into something quite different. Call me crazy but it almost - but not quite - sounds like that guy who fronts Armored Saint. Peter Criss ain't got nothing on Joey Belladonna now! Viva La Anthrax!