
paradoxile said:
there's a no porn policy in UM...I sugguest you censore it
appealing as it may be

about talk shows for women...every country has those
about desparate housewives...it's too far fetched in my opinion...aspecially in the second season...
teri being nude is nothing new...there was this movie with one of the Baldwins some years ago and teri appeared completely nude...had a butterfly tattoo on her belly
She is really hot. Ever since she was in MacGyver, I really liked her. She was also the only reason I used to watch that stupid Superman show when I was like 7 or 8.
Butterfly tatoo=niiiice

Someone told me, but I think it was a joke, that in Israel, there is a talk show host named Pinis Katan. Is that true or is it a joke?
Metal head87 said:
She is really hot. Ever since she was in MacGyver, I really liked her. She was also the only reason I used to watch that stupid Superman show when I was like 7 or 8.
Butterfly tatoo=niiiice

Someone told me, but I think it was a joke, that in Israel, there is a talk show host named Pinis Katan. Is that true or is it a joke?

he probably meant Guy Pines...he has a gossip E! type kind of show on cable tv...
Piness is quite a common last name(it's pronounced like penis)
anyway in international interviews he calles himself PINES(like it's supposed to be read in english) so he doesn't become the laughing stock of hollywood.
Oh. I guess he added the Kattan part as a joke.
He told me Will Smith I think he said, it was some actor American actor nobody cares about, was on the show and made a joke about it.
I've never heard of it. What kind of a show is it? Do you mean Super Milk Chan?
Check out the Deathklok Metalocalypse. I put the link in a thread here.
I don't really watch anime too much. There is one that I like though called Gokusen that I just found that is really funny. I remember some other ones I used to like was called Blue Seeds or something like that, GTO, Akira, and the Hayao Miyazaki films. They had his movies on TCM a while ago and I actually enjoyed them a lot. Luckily nobody knows about that. The facts that I actually ever liked any anime and that I never dated a girl with big boobs are my darkest secrets.
we don't get too much anime in Israel...there's like one channel and it's running reruns of old stuff...

here and there we get to see some full length anime film like Akira,Ghost in the shell,Princess Mononoky and Spirited away
Anime is really magical...it's much more realistic in the sence of charecter developent and human emotions...and you simply can't find these thing on this level in Europe or America...it seems The US is all about Walt Disney(that fucking nazi),WB and Hannah Barbera and they pale in comparison to japanese anime...

plus japan also brought us hentai which is a certain brand of anime not all people like...still is awesome(it's a funny thread so I'm being funny)
Hanna Barbara is pretty good though. They brought us some classics like The Flinstones, Jetsons, Yogi Bear, Huckelberry Hound, and one of my favorites, Cow And Chicken!
I love Loony Tunes, but that's totally different. But you're right that the Japanese do put a lot more focus on character and emotion, that's why I like Hayao Miyazaki's films. You mentioned Princess Mononoke and Spirited Away, those were 2 of his. I love Spirited Away and My Neighbor Totoro. There are many other ones from him. I liked all the ones that I saw.
But a lot of anime just tries to be too violent. I don't mind violence at all, in fact there are these series of snuff films from Japan called the Guinea Pig series that I watch one in a while, but violence in cartoons is pretty much pointless.
Japanese people make the best horror movies though. This one movie called Infection scared the shit out of me the first time I saw it. It was late at night and foggy, so I had the windows and shades wide open when I watched it. The Silent Hill games, I only have 2 and 4 since those are the only ones on Xbox, also really creep me out.

I wouldn't necessarily call Disney a nazi. He's anti-semetic. I don't think there were nazis back in his day. Ford, the car guy, was also a raging anti-semite.

But to stay on topic...
Ahahaha! that was the best one so far *rofl*
Especially the "Guido" and the "style points" parts

About anime, Miyazaki's great, but my favourite is the series "Neon Genesis Evangelion" It starts like an ordinary mecha-anime but after the 15th episode or so it turns into a phsychological thriller
UnConscious said:
Ahahaha! that was the best one so far *rofl*
Especially the "Guido" and the "style points" parts
What about the "Don't defacate on the floor"?
I have some more from that site. I'll post some useless facts.
Did you know..
If you yelled for 8 years, 7 months and 6 days, you
would have produced enough sound energy to heat one
cup of coffee.
(Dunno about you but it hardly seems worth it!)

Did you know..
If you fart consistently for 6 years and 8 months,
enough gas is produced to create the energy of an
atomic bomb.
(Now that's more like it!)

Did you know..
A pig's orgasm lasts for 30 minutes.
(In my next life I want to be a pig!
But how'd they figure this out, and why?)

Did you know..
Banging your head against a wall burns 150 calories
an hour.
(Don't try this at home. But maybe at work..)

Did you know..
Humans and dolphins are the only species that have sex
for pleasure.
(Is that why Flipper was always smiling?
And pigs get 30-minute orgasms?
Doesn't seem fair!)

Did you know..
The strongest muscle in the body is the tongue.

Did you know..
The ant can lift 50 times its own weight,can pull 30
times its own weight and always falls over on its
right side when intoxicated.
(From drinking little bottles of...?
Did taxpayers pay for this research??)

(Did you know..
The catfish has over 27,000 taste buds.
What can be so tasty on the bottom of the pond?)

Did you know..
The flea can jump 350 times its body length. It's like
a human jumping the length of a football field.
(30 minutes...can you imagine?? And why pigs?)

Did you know..
The male praying mantis cannot copulate while its head
is attached to its body. The female initiates sex by ripping the
male's head off.
("Honey, I'm home. What the...."
*Think of all the problems it would solve, girls:
No post-coital snoring, wondering if he's going to
stay for breakfast, waiting for him to sneak out...
and ya KNOW he hasn't been with anyone else :)

Did you know..
Some lions mate over 50 times a day.
(In my next life I still want to be a pig... quality
over quantity)

Did you know..
An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain.
(I know some people like that.)

Did you know..
Starfish don't have brains.
(I know some people like that too.)

So what has this page taught us? Well, nothing very important.
But after reading all these, all I can say is............
Lucky Pigs!

Now for stuff I learned in high school (from experience).
Wood tables are not flammable.
Hard liquor is not flammable.
When you want something to burn, it does not.
When you don't want something to burn, it does.
Styrofoam can melt.
You can make a tiny rocket out of 4 matches and some foil.
The stuff in fire extinguishers smells really bad.
Getting drunk in class is very easy.
Smoking a hukkah in math class will not get you suspended.
Drawing a crappy picture on the whiteboard of the math teacher giving filatio will get you suspended.

There are many more but I don't feel like trying to remember more.
I don't even think you can smoke weed out of the nargila. It's too dry. That's what I've heard, I've never tried to do that. I'd rather roll it up or put it in a pipe than to waste all of it trying to see if it can be smoked.
Yeah, it's expensive since it is illegal, but it's possible to still buy some.
Weed is legal in Israel?
nope...just in the netherlands

I have a distant relative who's almost comletely blind...something like 6% vision and when he smokes weed his eyesight is improving...he proved it at the eye doctor and the police are no longer after him
it's too bad that when he actually sees something he's so out there