
Yeah Jaco rules, although it's interesting that while a lot of fusion guys at that time were incorporating modern rock elements into jazz, Jaco was reviving the whole big band thing. I've never liked Weather Report, it lacked 'feeling' to me and I've always preferred the members' other albums like Jaco's solo stuff and Wayne Shorter's work with Herbie Hancock.
I'm way behind, like almost non existent on the Weather Report clan. Someone had a record or two way back, which I believe is pre Jaco and it seems to me it was almost like todays "smooth jazz". In fact one of those songs still gets airplay on smooth jazz and was that song "The Weather Channel" used. So since a few people mentioned them here in a few earlier threads sounds like I missed alot of stuff. We used to like (scuse the spelling)Chuck Mangione too. All those artists and jazz and fusion just fell of my radar in the 80's as I went through a blues and metal & primarily WORK stage.

Then there was Spyro Gyro and I forget what they even sounded like. The Tropea album got steady play for awhile, seems like that was kinda smooth jazz too. There was one Herbie Hancock album we liked alot but I have one still that didnt get played much ?? Thrust ?? maybe, something like that.
I don't think Herbie was ever right into the fusion thing... he was a bit like Miles Davis in that he had been around playing more traditional stuff pre-fusion, but he was a chameleon who continues to evolve even up to today. I guess his 'most fusion' moments would have been when he was playing with the Headhunters and they had a big rock/funk influence. I saw him in concert not long ago and it was mindblowing, though for me Vinnie Colaiuta on drums stole the show - it was the best drum performance I've ever seen.
The funk part is what I remember. Not sure what it was about Thrust that didnt do it for me. I might like it better now. I just checked the discography and you may be right, it might have been Headhunters that we played alot.
Yeah Jaco rules, although it's interesting that while a lot of fusion guys at that time were incorporating modern rock elements into jazz, Jaco was reviving the whole big band thing. I've never liked Weather Report, it lacked 'feeling' to me and I've always preferred the members' other albums like Jaco's solo stuff and Wayne Shorter's work with Herbie Hancock.

I think Joe Zawinul was their main problem.
Return to Forever will be getting back together I read. Al Demeola, Chik Corea, Stanley Clarke and the other guy(forget his name) One of the best "fusion" bands ever!! maybe a tour and a new album?
Return to Forever will be getting back together I read. Al Demeola, Chik Corea, Stanley Clarke and the other guy(forget his name) One of the best "fusion" bands ever!! maybe a tour and a new album?

I agree, thats the family tree I followed the most over the years. T'was Lenny White on the drums. Al, Stanley and Jean Luc have done a bit together here and there over the years, that "Rite of Strings" is those guys incase you didnt know, with some other guy I cant think off. They just did the Rite of Strings tour again. Of the stuff I've heard they got less fusion-y after the early 80's and more jazz or latin influenced jazz. It be nice to hear them break out and do some new musical exploration again, in the true vein of fusion.

Al DiMeola.... the origional guitar shredder
Nice! A tour would be great, although my hopes for any new album being decent wouldn't be very high. Chick Corea's new stuff is pretty flaky.

Hey, heard a new song by Herbie Hancock on XM, it featured Tina Turner on vocals and if I understand it correctly its a new album thats dedicated to Joni Mitchells music. That song was great, one I'd never heard before, jazz keyboard arrangement, would barely know it was Tina, you could tell but she sounded like a club singer, really nice I thought. I think I'll grab it if I see it in a music store.
Can't remember if he was mentioned but,Paco de Lucia is the most brilliant guitar player maybe ever. I know he did some "fusion" in the past(can't remember with who)and is a true "flamenco style" guitarist. I get the feeling this guy could play anything he fuckin' wanted to. If you never heard this cat, you got to change that. Must be heard at least 3 times before you check out.
Hey, heard a new song by Herbie Hancock on XM, it featured Tina Turner on vocals and if I understand it correctly its a new album thats dedicated to Joni Mitchells music. That song was great, one I'd never heard before, jazz keyboard arrangement, would barely know it was Tina, you could tell but she sounded like a club singer, really nice I thought. I think I'll grab it if I see it in a music store.

It's supposed to be a really good album, although from what I've heard it's a bit too poppy for my tastes. Amazing that a 70 year old can stay so relevant though.
Paco did "The Guitar Trio" with DiMeola and Maclaughlin
There was another version of the guitar trio tour that was done with Paco de Lucia, Maclaughlin and Larry Coryell(also credited as a fusion founder). I think Paco and DiMeola have played together alot over the years, both being up a knotch or two above Maclaughlin in my opinion, I believe watching the youtube clip of Mediterranian Sundance (Friday Night in San Fran) with the three side by side, illustrates this. Not that Maclaughlin was a slacker, just not as tight, not the tone nor the feel.
Theres also old footage on youtube with Paco and Jan Ackerman from Focus. Not bad but Pacos playing a classical and Ackermans playing a LesPaul and the contrast in not that good on behalf of the electric. thats about all I know of Pacos work, he is great. While your on Ackerman you can find footage of him in recent years playing some old school jazz and sounding damn good! Back in the early 70's Focus was fuseing all kinds of music together.
Paco is sickening to watch play. I will never be that good. He has such a great tone & feel. He mainly plays Flamenco, I never heard anything about him playing any Fusion... He rips DiMeola & McLaughlin up on "Saturday Night in San Francisco" IMHO.
Meh, so-so. I just love De Lucia's feel. I've never really heard anything else by him though. Everything I have from Al is kinda sub-par to my ears.
There are a few things(flaws) your overlooking in your statements though. That one style of music is all Pacos ever done, he grew up with it, in a flamenco musical family no less. Also his technique of finger picking and use of a nylon string classical guitar give him the perfect sound and technique for that music, no doubt he is a master. This is opposed to DiMeolas steel string, flat pick sound. Then of course Al grew up in Jersey and most likely rock n roll, though he has pursued latin music most of his adult life and has done a damn good job of it. The biggest flaw in your statement is that Al is sub-par. That would be the first time I've heard that statement made, though I have heard those that can't, critize him for too much speed and not enough feel. Heres two clips of one song with the three of them together and I must say Maclaughlin deserves more credit than I have given him. Of the three his playing goes outside of the box, risky and "I think I'll try this"... he pulls it off well. Sounds like he's playing a nylon here too.

A really good example of Paco's "recent" playing can be found on his "flamenco" album "Good Things"-"Cositas Buenas." from 2004. At the core, Mr. de Lucia is a Flamenco guitarist. Imo, I've never heard or seen a better player. I saw the tour that was "Friday night in San Francisco" On that night he even amazed Dimeola and Mclaughlin with his playing, for between songs they expressed " something like we were just owned by Paco."
Well, I think all three are amazing and saw no ownage by anyone on the song I just put up. I like Paco plenty, that "proper" flamenco technique of his is excellent. All three of them uphold their reputations, and still hold their ground against todays more developed guitarists.

If Als not a great player, shitty players must be damn good, and DiMeola must have got his reputation because people liked the sound of his name or something......

Al, John & Paco together did:
Friday Night in San Francisco - 1980
Passion Grace & Fire - 1983
The Guitar Trio - 1996

they all have pretty good list of other collaborations with various artists.