Galder's vocals


Forest: Sold Out
Jul 5, 2003
I was listening to Death Cult Armageddon last night, and I noticed something unusual.

Galder performs all the vocals for his band, Old Man's Child. So...why doesn't Galder perform vocals (or BGV) for Dimmu Borgir? Granted, they aren't that innovative or radically different from Shagrath's; but, I enjoy them nevertheless.

Anyone know?
Yeah, I enjoy Galder's vocals a lot, for some strange reason. I actually rate him as one of the better extreme metal vocalists, although he's not very innovative or experimental, I guess.
Galder uses OMC as an outlet for his voice. I think Shagrath and Vortex cover very nicely, so there's no need for his vocals in Dimmu. I personally don't think his vocals would fit in the songs. Shagrath and Abbath have some elements in the growling in common, so that worked well on those 2 songs on DCA, but Galder's voice is a little too... what's the word... brutal I guess for Shagrath's hissing-type stuff. I LOOOOVE Galder's vocals, though. It sounds like he has a few vocal modifiers in his setup, though.
NocturnalSun said:
Galder uses OMC as an outlet for his voice. I think Shagrath and Vortex cover very nicely, so there's no need for his vocals in Dimmu. I personally don't think his vocals would fit in the songs. Shagrath and Abbath have some elements in the growling in common, so that worked well on those 2 songs on DCA, but Galder's voice is a little too... what's the word... brutal I guess for Shagrath's hissing-type stuff. I LOOOOVE Galder's vocals, though. It sounds like he has a few vocal modifiers in his setup, though.

Good point. I also do think that Galder's voice is too brutal and loud to fit Dimmu's music very well. Speaking about Dimmu and vocals, why in the name of all things sacred can't Shagrath let his ego step aside for a minute and let Vortex participate on more songs? If this has anything to do with Shagrath's ego at all. I dunno, he may have a small ego for all I know. But still. It sounded good :p
you need more Vortex, look at Borknagar - Quintessence album. He really goes all out there. :) I think Shagrath has somewhat of an ego, but being that he's, I believe, the only one in the band that's actually satanic, it kinda goes along with the image "I am superior than all." I think Vortex could do a bit more in Dimmu (especially parts like on Progenies) than he does, but I'll still follow them even if they don't let him sing much. :)
I actually prefer Vintersorg to Vortex. But, that's a whole other topic.

Yeah, even though Vortex doesn't contribute that many vocals to DB, I'll still follow them. They make great music. PEM and DCA are damn good albums.
I know what you mean. 2 albums I think really defined the DB sound were EDT and PEM, rather than their older ones. Vortex has his outlets, even if they are somewhat obscured and more into the song. I would actually like to hear just one track where Shagrath and Galder play off each other like Alexi and the other bandmates from CoB do on songs like "Bodom after Midnight". That would be very badass to hear Shag & Galder together if they did it right.
NocturnalSun said:
you need more Vortex, look at Borknagar - Quintessence album. He really goes all out there. :) I think Shagrath has somewhat of an ego, but being that he's, I believe, the only one in the band that's actually satanic, it kinda goes along with the image "I am superior than all." I think Vortex could do a bit more in Dimmu (especially parts like on Progenies) than he does, but I'll still follow them even if they don't let him sing much. :)

Yip, Borknagar are good - I've got all of their albums :Spin: Quintessence is indeed a masterpiece!
Well, Galder's vocals would fit but basically there's no need for them with Shagrath. Vortex does clean vocals as well, so basically there's no need for Galder - I'm sure he could fill in if necessary though!
Shagrath is the worst part of Dimmu. What a ridiculously weak voice he has. Vortex should do ALL the vocals, growls and clean vocals. His growls on the two Borknagar albums he sang on are much better than Shaggy's. I also wish he would sing like he did on La Masquerade Infernale again. That Waters-esque lunatic singing was awesome.
LuminousAether said:
Shagrath is the worst part of Dimmu. What a ridiculously weak voice he has. Vortex should do ALL the vocals, growls and clean vocals. His growls on the two Borknagar albums he sang on are much better than Shaggy's. I also wish he would sing like he did on La Masquerade Infernale again. That Waters-esque lunatic singing was awesome.

Agreed. His vocal performance on "The Chaos Path" is one of the most intense and beautiful I've ever heard. And yeah, it'd be interesting to see how Vortex' voice would fit with Dimmu's music - I actually think it could work. His growls on "Oceans Rise" still make me shiver with awe.
Luminous, Shagrath is there in DB for a reason. If it was JUST Vortex doing vocals, DB's followers would lessen because the more devoted ones liked their old stuff the best back when Vortex was not in the band. Besides, their stage appearance as it is now is extremely brutal and badass. If it were just Vortex singing and playing bass, there's no way he can move around, he's gotta stay in front of the mic. Their stage act would be lessened consistently. as I said, if you want Vortex to sing everything, tough shit. Go listen to Borknagar because he's not going to take over DB anytime soon.
Vortex is a far better vocalist than Shagrath. Dimmu Borgir's fanbase is largely made up of 12 year old wanna be goths who couldn't give a shit about their old material, almost all the diehard fans have given up on Dimmu.

I have seen Dimmu live, and their stage presence was not brutal or badass, it was like a zombie Kiss on stage that didn't really move a lot, Shagrath just looked goofy and like Dani Filth.

Vortex doesn't sing in Borknagar anymore, instead the laughable Vintersorg does. Too bad, he's one of the worst vocalists in metal so he ruined that band... they are dead to me now.
I have to agree with LuminousAether again. I personally couldn't care less if their stage presence became more boring if Vortex took over the vocals, after all, they would become better musically - and they're a band, not a circus ;) Vortex is brilliant. Alongside with Garm "Trickster G", Ihsahn and Vortex, he's got one of the most charismatic and best voices in the extreme metal scene.
Vortex is there to provide a balance and to be an opposite to Shagrath. They probably don't have Vortex doing vocals as much so it sounds better when he actually does it.

As for Galder, he probably puts so much time into OMC that he chooses not to do vocals with DM. It would be likely that he would take over from Shagrath if necessary though.
