Game: ultimate metal band 2007

16 - Samael
04 - Kamelot
11 - Paradise Lost
11 - Thyrfing
13 - Borknagar
12 - Vital Remains
10 - Decapitated
15 - At the Gates
13 - Dissection
16 - Agalloch
11 - Disilussion
13 - The Kovenant
10 - Swallow the Sun
10 - Root
13 - Neurosis +2
10 - Marduk
10 - Naglfar
04 - Ominous Grief -2
16 - Samael
02 - Kamelot (-2)
11 - Paradise Lost
11 - Thyrfing
13 - Borknagar
12 - Vital Remains
10 - Decapitated
17 - At the Gates (+2)
13 - Dissection
16 - Agalloch
11 - Disilussion
13 - The Kovenant
10 - Swallow the Sun
10 - Root
13 - Neurosis
10 - Marduk
10 - Naglfar
04 - Ominous Grief
16 - Samael
04 - Kamelot (+2)
11 - Paradise Lost
11 - Thyrfing
13 - Borknagar
12 - Vital Remains
10 - Decapitated
17 - At the Gates
13 - Dissection
16 - Agalloch
11 - Disilussion
13 - The Kovenant
10 - Swallow the Sun
10 - Root
13 - Neurosis
10 - Marduk
10 - Naglfar
02 - Ominous Grief (-2)
16 - Samael
03 - Kamelot (-1)
11 - Paradise Lost
13 - Thyrfing (+2)
13 - Borknagar
12 - Vital Remains
10 - Decapitated
17 - At the Gates
13 - Dissection
16 - Agalloch
11 - Disillusion
13 - The Kovenant
10 - Swallow the Sun
10 - Root
13 - Neurosis
10 - Marduk
10 - Naglfar
01 - Ominous Grief (-1)

EDIT/ so many bands i dont know, we should have put more crappy bands so its actually easier to give negative points^^
EDIT/ so many bands i dont know, we should have put more crappy bands so its actually easier to give negative points^^

Something I really like about these games is that they make me check out new stuff. For example, I had never heard of Disillusion before, but KC's enthusiasm encouraged me to give them a try, and so far it's been a really pleasant listen.
16 - Samael
03 - Kamelot
11 - Paradise Lost
13 - Thyrfing
13 - Borknagar
12 - Vital Remains
10 - Decapitated
17 - At the Gates
13 - Dissection
16 - Agalloch
11 - Disillusion
13 - The Kovenant
10 - Swallow the Sun
10 - Root
14 - Neurosis (+1)
8 - Marduk (-2)
11 - Naglfar (+1)
01 - Ominous Grief

my vote :)
16 - Samael
03 - Kamelot
11 - Paradise Lost
13 - Thyrfing
13 - Borknagar
12 - Vital Remains
10 - Decapitated
17 - At the Gates
13 - Dissection
15 - Agalloch (-1)
11 - Disillusion
13 - The Kovenant
11 - Swallow the Sun (+1)
10 - Root
15 - Neurosis
09 - Marduk (+1)
11 - Naglfar
00 - Ominous Grief (-1)

Ah, the pleasure of killing a band.

Edit: restored KC's point for Neurosis.
Something I really like about these games is that they make me check out new stuff. For example, I had never heard of Disillusion before, but KC's enthusiasm encouraged me to give them a try, and so far it's been a really pleasant listen.
How did you manage not to hear about Disillusion? But yea, you should definitely check them out, great stuff :)

16 - Samael
03 - Kamelot
10 - Paradise Lost (-1)
13 - Thyrfing
13 - Borknagar
12 - Vital Remains
11 - Decapitated (+1)
17 - At the Gates
13 - Dissection
15 - Agalloch
12 - Disillusion (+1)
13 - The Kovenant
10 - Swallow the Sun (-1)
10 - Root
15 - Neurosis
09 - Marduk
11 - Naglfar
16 - Samael
03 - Kamelot
10 - Paradise Lost
12 - Thyrfing (-1)
13 - Borknagar
12 - Vital Remains
11 - Decapitated
17 - At the Gates
13 - Dissection
15 - Agalloch
13 - Disillusion (+1)
13 - The Kovenant
11 - Swallow the Sun (+1)
10 - Root
15 - Neurosis
09 - Marduk
10 - Naglfar (-1)
16 - Samael
03 - Kamelot
09 - Paradise Lost
12 - Thyrfing
13 - Borknagar
11 - Vital Remains
11 - Decapitated (-1)
17 - At the Gates
13 - Dissection (-1)
15 - Agalloch
13 - Disillusion
13 - The Kovenant
13 - Swallow the Sun (+2)
10 - Root
15 - Neurosis
09 - Marduk
10 - Naglfar
16 - Samael
03 - Kamelot
09 - Paradise Lost (-1)
13 - Thyrfing
13 - Borknagar
12 - Vital Remains
11 - Decapitated
18 - At the Gates (+1)
13 - Dissection
15 - Agalloch
13 - Disillusion (+1)
13 - The Kovenant
10 - Swallow the Sun
10 - Root
15 - Neurosis
08 - Marduk (-1)
11 - Naglfar
damn i just noticed i voted twice today according to the forum's time @.@
16 - Samael
02 - Kamelot (-1)
09 - Paradise Lost
13 - Thyrfing
13 - Borknagar
12 - Vital Remains
11 - Decapitated
17 - At the Gates (-1)
13 - Dissection
16 - Agalloch (+1)
13 - Disillusion
14 - The Kovenant (+1)
10 - Swallow the Sun
10 - Root
15 - Neurosis
08 - Marduk
11 - Naglfar

~kov. (waits for the backlash)
16 - Samael
0 - Kamelot (-2)
09 - Paradise Lost
13 - Thyrfing
13 - Borknagar
12 - Vital Remains
11 - Decapitated
17 - At the Gates
15 - Dissection (+2)
16 - Agalloch
13 - Disillusion
14 - The Kovenant
10 - Swallow the Sun
10 - Root
15 - Neurosis
08 - Marduk
11 - Naglfar
15 - Samael (-1)
08 - Paradise Lost (-1)
14 - Thyrfing (+1)
13 - Borknagar
13 - Vital Remains (+1)
11 - Decapitated
17 - At the Gates
15 - Dissection
16 - Agalloch
13 - Disillusion
14 - The Kovenant
10 - Swallow the Sun
10 - Root
15 - Neurosis
08 - Marduk
11 - Naglfar
i'm going by 24hrs too, makes sense.

15 - Samael
08 - Paradise Lost
14 - Thyrfing
13 - Borknagar
13 - Vital Remains
11 - Decapitated
17 - At the Gates
15 - Dissection
17 - Agalloch [+1]
11 - Disillusion [-2]
14 - The Kovenant
11 - Swallow the Sun [+1]
10 - Root
15 - Neurosis
08 - Marduk
11 - Naglfar