Game: ultimate metal band 2007

16 - Samael
08 - Paradise Lost
11 - Thyrfing
13 - Borknagar
12 - Vital Remains
12 - Decapitated
18 - At the Gates
14 - Dissection
18 - Agalloch +1
15 - Disillusion
14 - The Kovenant
18 - Swallow the Sun +1
08 - Root
16 - Neurosis
02 - Marduk -2
09 - Naglfar
16 - Samael
08 - Paradise Lost
11 - Thyrfing
13 - Borknagar
12 - Vital Remains
12 - Decapitated
20 - At the Gates +2
14 - Dissection
18 - Agalloch
15 - Disillusion
14 - The Kovenant
18 - Swallow the Sun
08 - Root
16 - Neurosis
00 - Marduk -2
09 - Naglfar
16 - Samael
08 - Paradise Lost
12 - Thyrfing (+1)
13 - Borknagar
12 - Vital Remains
12 - Decapitated
18 - At the Gates (-2)
15 - Dissection (+1)
18 - Agalloch
15 - Disillusion
14 - The Kovenant
18 - Swallow the Sun
08 - Root
16 - Neurosis
09 - Naglfar
16 - Samael
08 - Paradise Lost
12 - Thyrfing
13 - Borknagar
12 - Vital Remains
12 - Decapitated
20 - At the Gates (+2)
15 - Dissection
16 - Agalloch (-2)
15 - Disillusion
14 - The Kovenant
18 - Swallow the Sun
08 - Root
16 - Neurosis
09 - Naglfar
17 - Samael (+1)
08 - Paradise Lost
12 - Thyrfing
13 - Borknagar
12 - Vital Remains
11 - Decapitated (-1)
21 - At the Gates
14 - Dissection (-1)
16 - Agalloch
15 - Disillusion
14 - The Kovenant
20 - Swallow the Sun (+2)
07 - Root
15 - Neurosis
09 - Naglfar
He forgot to delete your +1.

17 - Samael
08 - Paradise Lost
10 - Thyrfing (-2)
13 - Borknagar
12 - Vital Remains
11 - Decapitated
21 - At the Gates
14 - Dissection
16 - Agalloch
15 - Disillusion
14 - The Kovenant
20 - Swallow the Sun
09 - Root (+2)
15 - Neurosis
09 - Naglfar
17 - Samael
08 - Paradise Lost
10 - Thyrfing
13 - Borknagar
12 - Vital Remains
11 - Decapitated
19 - At the Gates (-2)
14 - Dissection
16 - Agalloch
16 - Disillusion (+1)
14 - The Kovenant
20 - Swallow the Sun
09 - Root
16 - Neurosis (+1)
09 - Naglfar

Just to clarify, ATG are one of my all time favourites, I just want there to be some competition.
17 - Samael
08 - Paradise Lost
10 - Thyrfing
14 - Borknagar (+1)
12 - Vital Remains
11 - Decapitated
18 - At the Gates (-2)
14 - Dissection
16 - Agalloch
16 - Disillusion
16 - The Kovenant (+1)
18 - Swallow the Sun
09 - Root
16 - Neurosis
09 - Naglfar

17 - Samael
08 - Paradise Lost
08 - Thyrfing (-2)
14 - Borknagar
12 - Vital Remains
11 - Decapitated
18 - At the Gates
14 - Dissection
16 - Agalloch
16 - Disillusion
16 - The Kovenant
18 - Swallow the Sun
11 - Root (+2)
16 - Neurosis
09 - Naglfar
17 - Samael
08 - Paradise Lost
08 - Thyrfing
14 - Borknagar
12 - Vital Remains
11 - Decapitated
18 - At the Gates
14 - Dissection
16 - Agalloch
18 - Disillusion(+2)
16 - The Kovenant
18 - Swallow the Sun
11 - Root
14 - Neurosis(-2)
09 - Naglfar
17 - Samael
08 - Paradise Lost
10 - Thyrfing (+2)
14 - Borknagar
12 - Vital Remains
11 - Decapitated
18 - At the Gates
14 - Dissection
16 - Agalloch
18 - Disillusion
16 - The Kovenant
16 - Swallow the Sun (-2)
11 - Root
14 - Neurosis
09 - Naglfar
17 - Samael
08 - Paradise Lost
12 - Thyrfing (+2)
14 - Borknagar
12 - Vital Remains
11 - Decapitated
16 - At the Gates (-2)
14 - Dissection
16 - Agalloch
18 - Disillusion
16 - The Kovenant
16 - Swallow the Sun
11 - Root
14 - Neurosis
09 - Naglfar
17 - Samael
09 - Paradise Lost (+1)
12 - Thyrfing
14 - Borknagar
12 - Vital Remains
11 - Decapitated
16 - At the Gates
14 - Dissection
16 - Agalloch
18 - Disillusion
14 - The Kovenant (-2)
16 - Swallow the Sun
12 - Root (+1)
14 - Neurosis
09 - Naglfar

I'm giving a point to Paradise Lost just because I liked their new album.
17 - Samael
08 - Paradise Lost
12 - Thyrfing
14 - Borknagar
11 - Vital Remains (-1)
12 - Decapitated (-1)
16 - At the Gates
14 - Dissection
17 - Agalloch (+1)
18 - Disillusion
15 - The Kovenant (+1)
15 - Swallow the Sun
12 - Root
14 - Neurosis
09 - Naglfar

17 - Samael
09 - Paradise Lost (+1)
12 - Thyrfing
14 - Borknagar
11 - Vital Remains
12 - Decapitated
17 - At the Gates (+1)
14 - Dissection
16 - Agalloch (-1)
17 - Disillusion (-1)
15 - The Kovenant
15 - Swallow the Sun
12 - Root
14 - Neurosis
09 - Naglfar
17 - Samael
09 - Paradise Lost
12 - Thyrfing
14 - Borknagar
11 - Vital Remains
13 - Decapitated(+1)
17 - At the Gates
14 - Dissection
16 - Agalloch
17 - Disillusion
15 - The Kovenant
16 - Swallow the Sun(+1)
12 - Root
12 - Neurosis(-2)
09 - Naglfar
16 - Samael (-1)
09 - Paradise Lost
14 - Thyrfing (+2)
14 - Borknagar
11 - Vital Remains
13 - Decapitated
16 - At the Gates (-1)
14 - Dissection
16 - Agalloch
17 - Disillusion
15 - The Kovenant
16 - Swallow the Sun
12 - Root
12 - Neurosis
09 - Naglfar
16 - Samael
09 - Paradise Lost
14 - Thyrfing
14 - Borknagar
09 - Vital Remains (-2)
13 - Decapitated
16 - At the Gates
14 - Dissection
16 - Agalloch
17 - Disillusion
15 - The Kovenant
16 - Swallow the Sun
13 - Root (+1)
13 - Neurosis (+1)
09 - Naglfar
16 - Samael
09 - Paradise Lost
14 - Thyrfing
14 - Borknagar
09 - Vital Remains
12 - Decapitated (-1)
16 - At the Gates
14 - Dissection
16 - Agalloch
17 - Disillusion
15 - The Kovenant
18 - Swallow the Sun (+2)
13 - Root
12 - Neurosis (-1)
09 - Naglfar