Gamers Thread

In the upcoming Red Dead Redemption game Rockstar brought back that GTA feature where you can gain or lose weight depending on what/how you eat.

I loved the first game, hopefully this one isn't a letdown. Rockstar is normally solid though.

I've been playing CoD Modern Ware 2/3 online lately because they're backwards compatible now. The nostalgia is real.

Also, Nintendo is coming out with a revamped N64 this year. I still have my original and all my games so unless this new version comes with online gameplay, I don't need it. Still pretty cool though. I've always thought there would be a huge market for an online multiplayer version of the original Smash Bros or Mario Kart etc.
i fucking loved all things digimon tbh, from the tamagotchi to the show to the games. i still need to watch digimon tamers which has developed a cult reputation as some kind of animé masterpiece.
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I own most of the Digimon series on DVD (looking over at my Tamers box set right now) but I do feel they didn't age so well. Especially the first two series, Tamers was a blatant uptick in quality I'll admit that much. Dunno about it being a fucking masterpiece though lmao.

I think the best thing Digimon did in terms of anime was the first Digimon movie, that shit is epic.

One of the more recent Digimon series looks pretty cool, I'll probably check it out at some point. It's called Digimon Adventure tri.

all i know is tamers was written by the serial experiments lain/texhnolyze guy and was controversial for being super dark and containing lovecraftian horror and shit lol
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It's definitely not as good as Serial Experiments Lain IMO, haven't seen Texhnolyze though. I think my opinion of Tamers might be tainted by the fact that I watched it several times on TV and the English version of the show is way more light-hearted and then when I finally got to watch it in Japanese I couldn't overlook what I'd already seen. It's certainly darker than the cringe-inducing first two series.
I mean the original series wasn't exactly the darkest shit around but at least as a kid it was more interesting and went further than its competition of the time. The whole second half where the Digiverse comes to Earth and the evil Digimon go door to door abducting humans to stick them into concentration camps and shit was badass. Even the interim where the kids are back on Earth and struggling to adapt back to normal life, while the baddies plot spooky shit in the background, has this surreal fever dream kind of quality to it.

all i know is tamers was written by the serial experiments lain/texhnolyze guy and was controversial for being super dark and containing lovecraftian horror and shit lol

Isn't that only on a handful of episodes? He also was involved in directing an episode or two of the original series iirc.
I tried rewatching it a few years ago and certainly the animation was shitty and they waste a lot of time repeating the same Digivolve sequences over and over. I didn't finish the whole thing, but skipping around the quality seemed to gradually improve up to the end.

they had a villain that was just an evil monkey with an elvis voice and somehow made it fucking terrifying
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Yeah I remember the second half of Tamers scaring me as a kid, that fucking blob thing taking over the city was fucking terrifying.